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Comments 36

pixie_pan April 4 2005, 18:08:41 UTC
I never expected the redhead to be Barbossa...I have other thoughts as to his identity. ^_^

Brilliant as always m'dear! Looking forward to the next installment! ^_^


thexyboombang April 5 2005, 06:08:32 UTC
That's actually for the sake of the Srettan.
Whose answer to Question One of the PtT24Quiz ("Who is the redheaded brown-eyed boy?") was something along the lines of "Ummm... what's his name -- Barbossa?"
It's probably who you think it is.

Thanks muck for reading! Glad you liked! I'll try to make the next part more timely in coming!


silly_walk April 4 2005, 19:49:19 UTC
Barbossa's far too Geoffrey Rush to be french....
ack! So pleased that you posted this one, love love love love love. You Jack/James banter is as excellent as always, if not more so!
Hope you get a better night's sleep tonight, darling.


thexyboombang April 5 2005, 06:12:46 UTC
Like I said above. I didn't think *you all* would be confuzzled by it. You know *exactly* who it is.

Mm, I'm glad you liked it. The Moresome has gotten me into a way-banter-mood. Thanks so much for reading!

I...sortof did. Took a "nap" at 8, asked mum to wake me at 9, apparently she tried but I couldn't be bothered with joining the conscious, so when I awoke it was at 1:50someodd.am, at which point I drank immeasurable amounts of C.S.SleepytimeTea until I zonked out again till morning. < /insanemadbabble >

Thanks again, m'dear!


silly_walk April 5 2005, 08:32:44 UTC
this mysterious "moresome" you've been talking about ... will you grace us with a hint at the pairing? (Seriously, quit teasing!)
Glad you got some sleep. tea + before bed = otp


thexyboombang April 5 2005, 14:28:12 UTC

N/G/G/A/M. AU.

--and if you want to be a QCT(QualityControlTeam) member for it, all you need to do is ask, and display passing proficiency with the English language, and give me an e-mail to blast with it. This one especially, as I'm whoring around to see if the dialogue makes sense to anyone but myself.

...COMMA! (*g*)


tiggothy April 4 2005, 23:48:58 UTC
Ooooh, ok I'll stop* complaining about having to wait when they're as good as this :-) *bounce* *bounce*

I especially liked "shattered extended fragments of a second". Though I may be forced to get all jealous of your talent again ;-)

Oooh, and the tattoo - am I right in thinking it's the sparrow tattoo Jack is acquiring?

*for a short amount of time at least


thexyboombang April 5 2005, 06:19:25 UTC
Depending on how often you keep complaining*, it might keep me from forgetting. (You ask how can I forget these boys? I say I can't. It's more procrastinating.)

Mm, that was fun to write. And don't get jealous of my talent-- I *adore* your James. AdoreadoreadoreLOVEenvy.

YES! Mwahahahahaha now we know why he recognized it AWWWWWWWWWW!
DAMN I have to go to class.

*bribing The Authoress Nerd with rum


tiggothy April 5 2005, 06:33:56 UTC
"I *adore* your James. AdoreadoreadoreLOVEenvy"

Yes, my James *grins* Mineminemine, all mine

Thinking of whom, I ought to get writing, seeing as how that was why I started the laptop up again. I'm so uninspired recently :-( I blame school*. And not having left Thame for nearly a month.

Oh, and before I forget *places a crate of rum bottles on the deck, labelled "For -M's consumption only"* *glares around* Don't any of you other folks steal 'em now! Arrr!

*If you do follow the link, be warned. The school is grammatically incorrect.


thexyboombang April 5 2005, 07:22:56 UTC
Well I meant "Your Portrayal Of James," but... okay. .::backs away from the crazy::.
I think all those youth have been affecting your sensibilities, my dear.

I shall brace myself for the horrors this afternoon, for I cannot know how these filtered-internet computers will handle the shock.

Yarr. Thanks.


elessil April 5 2005, 00:35:02 UTC
James is tattooing Jack! *faints*


thexyboombang April 5 2005, 07:14:04 UTC
Yes he is! .::squeals::.
I've had the idea in my head since I *started* this series, and finally now pwople will understand why I SQUEE when James pulls back the sleeve! (Though elizile already knows, because I SQUEEd it at her during dinner with her last summer.

(Eliz, tell whoever made them that those were some good noodles.)


tseek_unique April 5 2005, 02:26:26 UTC
*happy sigh* Another amazing installment! Your action scenes are very good-- I find action difficult to write. The tattooing scene is particularly delightful.


thexyboombang April 5 2005, 07:18:38 UTC
Would it be silly to say I was thinking of you when writing the action? Well you ought to know, because digas lo que digas, your action scenes have me practically falling off the edge of my chair. So clearly all the hard work you put into writing them PAYS OFF!

I'm so glad you liked! I always wait with bated breath for your responses to my pieces.

And I still worry that I didn't get the tattooing quite right... but going from what they show in the Master and Commander deleted scene, I think it's acceptable.


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