I always have really weird dreams; they're so awesome. My hypothesis is: the more odd and vivid the dream, the more intelligence the dreamer has. No matter how quirky or random it is. But meh, I'm no Sigmund Freud. And I realised how much I made myself sound big headed, by blatantly insinuating that I'm intelligent >.<
Looking through your LJ, could I hazard a guess that you have a keen interest in Jack the Ripper? If so, woah. I am obssessed with Jack the Ripper; and Sweeney Todd, come to think of it.
I harbor bad feelings towards Sweeney Todd for the ridiculous reason that I watched it with my ex girlfriend. I think I hate it just to spite her, really. *laughs* But yes, the story of Jack the Ripper is amazingly fascinating. It's one of the greatest mysteries.
And, no, I agree with your thoughts, and that wasn't big headed of you to say, you do seem intelligent to me. I think it was more of an afterthought. Like, "I think that intelligent people have odd dreams...waite, I have odd dreams..."
Well, now that I think it, they may not be intelligent, just very creative...
Well, creativity is a branch of intelligence, so maybe we're both right. Or, perhaps, we're both wrong and psychoanalysts are pointing and laughing at us right now XD
Ahh, that sucks. I couldn't live without Sweeney Todd.
Jack the Ripper has intrigued me from a young age; particularly after seeing the Michael Caine production of the story, which freaked the living crap out of me...pah.
Well, I suppose creativity is a branch of intelligence. I never really thought of them connecting too much, though your right. The most wild imaginations would probally come from someone who has a good understanding of the world around them, or wants to break away from a way of thinking that would be a bit too slow for them. Well, then again, I've always thought that, but for some reason I never even connected that to intelligence...Which goes to show that I am not XP
I do like Johnny depp, no matter what my ex likes XD
I liked him long before her, though I don't swoon over him like a fan girl, I just think his acting skills are superb!
I've never watched many Jack the Ripper movies, I just read a lot about him.
Comments 4
Looking through your LJ, could I hazard a guess that you have a keen interest in Jack the Ripper? If so, woah. I am obssessed with Jack the Ripper; and Sweeney Todd, come to think of it.
And, no, I agree with your thoughts, and that wasn't big headed of you to say, you do seem intelligent to me. I think it was more of an afterthought. Like, "I think that intelligent people have odd dreams...waite, I have odd dreams..."
Well, now that I think it, they may not be intelligent, just very creative...
Ahh, that sucks. I couldn't live without Sweeney Todd.
Jack the Ripper has intrigued me from a young age; particularly after seeing the Michael Caine production of the story, which freaked the living crap out of me...pah.
And thanks for the 'intelligence' compliment ^_^
I do like Johnny depp, no matter what my ex likes XD
I liked him long before her, though I don't swoon over him like a fan girl, I just think his acting skills are superb!
I've never watched many Jack the Ripper movies, I just read a lot about him.
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