[Book Reviews] Myths, mountains, and more

Mar 07, 2013 03:38

Long-overdue and necessarily incomplete book review post! This is about 1/3rd of the books I have in my to-review queue.

Cairngorm John: A Life in Mountain Rescue )

hiking, book reviews, fantasy, zen, spies, art, sci-fi, japan, military history, genetics, movies, literature, martial arts, security

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Comments 9

lyssabard March 7 2013, 13:04:37 UTC
Oh good, you like Liz Hand!!!! (And I have yet to tackle the short stories).
So, Mortal Love. Definitely Mortal Love/ If you never read anything else by her. that. :)
(And I think this week, after Seanan McGuire's book, I'll hit on some of her books on my shelf that I have not yet tackled--so I can rec more to you. :))


thewronghands March 7 2013, 13:08:23 UTC
I have "Glimmering" on my to-read pile now, though I'm saving it for either when I have a rotten day or for when I get through a couple of the heavy lifting books I'm working on at the moment. Which of hers have you read? I'll add "Mortal Love" to my list!


marzipan_pig March 7 2013, 18:08:22 UTC
You read books so I don't have to :)

No, seriously, most of these I would never pick up myself so I enjoy reading your summaries/perspectives! I am surprised you got through the zen one - the guy who does the Dharma Punx books, Noah Levine, is like maybe a 100th that annoying in his books and it challenged me some to finish them!


thewronghands March 8 2013, 09:06:51 UTC
It takes a lot before I'll give up on a book, but I admit that I sure thought about it. [rueful grin] I'm glad to share the joy (or otherwise, heh) of things I read, though!


syrensix March 7 2013, 23:37:42 UTC
Oooooh, fun.

Have you read this? (have I already asked?)

It's fabulous. I will drop it at your house when I get it back next time I am there if you like.


thewronghands March 8 2013, 09:08:42 UTC
I haven't, but my to-read stack at the moment is ginormous. Perhaps in a couple of months when I've managed to chew it down some? (I have even started prioritizing reading the loaners, and I *still* have a million books. Heh.) And thank you!


syrensix March 8 2013, 19:56:07 UTC
No problem! My to-read area of the shelf is kind of ridiculous too...and yet I still want more.


rhiannonstone March 9 2013, 00:31:32 UTC
Oh, thank you for the recommendation for Provenance! I've got an enduring fascination with con men, and watching White Collar lately has had me wanting to read more good con books. Already on my ereader. :)

And blerg, Thank You and OK! sounds like exactly the sort of book I hate.


thewronghands March 9 2013, 09:16:28 UTC
I hope you enjoy it! (And yes, it was exactly the sort of book I hated too, but I couldn't tell that except by reading it. Bah.)


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