Title: Southern Vampires and Snow Don't Mix
morelenmirRating: G
Characters/Pairings: Dean, Benny; gen
Wordcount: 158
Summary: On their hike to the cabin where Sam and Cas are waiting, Benny's intense dislike for snow amuses Dean greatly. Sequel to
Seamen Understand Shipping.
Author notes: Christmas drabble written for
twisting-vine-x. (Your card with the fic inside should have arrived by now!) I don't know, guys, all I can write anymore is cute stuff. *shrug*
"S'not Christmas without gumbo," Benny whined. Dean rolled his eyes and continued dragging the reluctant vampire through the falling snow. He could hear Benny scowling at the soft flakes but he wasn't going to let his buddy mope around in that deathtrap of a truck. It was Christmas Eve.
"C'mon Benny," he chided, "or Sam will feed the taffy I got ya to Cas." There's an indignant rumble behind him and he added, "And Cas will eat all of it; he has like hollow legs or a black hole instead of a stomach, man." Benny stomped quickly past him, battling the drifts with determination. His drawl floated through the crisp darkness back to Dean.
"Not a chance, brother."
Dean buried his snicker in the green scarf wrapped around his head and followed the path lit by his flashlight up toward the cabin's glowing windows. It was Christmas Eve, and he had family and spiked eggnog waiting just ahead.
Seamen Understand Shipping |
Taffy Altercations and Spiked Nog