Title: Welcome Back
morelenmirRating: G
Characters/Pairings: Rory Williams, Death; gen
Wordcount: 89
Summary: Rory has died. Again. Death isn't very surprised.
Author notes: I'm pretty sure everyone in the Superwho fandom has headcanon that Death and Rory are buddies because a) the sheer amount of times Rory has kicked it, and b) he's far less irritating than Dean Winchester. So when I saw
this delightful piece of art, I was so excited by it I accidentally ficced.
Death slurps at his cola while Rory relates the latest method of dying over his tea. When they finish their respective drinks, they rise, the vinyl diner chairs disappearing, and shake hands.
“Until next time, Rory.”
“Preferably later than sooner.”
“I’ll keep the kettle on.”
They share a quiet chuckle and then Death taps Rory’s forehead with two gnarled fingers. The young, irrepressible human vanishes and Death shakes his head in thoughtful bemusement before appearing in Olentangy, Ohio. He has heard tell of a legendary corn dog stand there.