How to start the game.

Apr 07, 2008 20:27

First join the communities theworldrp, the_world_logs, and the_world_ooc, then read this section, and all the other sections provided before you begin posting.

So your character is thrown into a world where he or she is not known, and the rules are ENTIRELY different! And they actually have to SURVIVE and follow those rules, lest they be apprehended by the military, or worse, Kira!

1) Your character arrives with whatever is on their person at the time they left their home, plus a sidekick for communication. They do NOT arrive with proper identification! To get a job, to do pretty much ANYTHING, you need to have proper identification! You must head to CITY HALL to receive your identification, which includes a birth certificate, a picture ID card, and a work ID card if they are deemed legal to work. You will also receive a government subsidy card that will allot you a certain amount of money until you can find a job. The process is horrible and takes a long time, and you will probably sleep in line for days before actually being spoken to! But, this is necessary! There will be a City Hall post up every week for you to reply to! Your case worker will ask you questions, decide your age and if you are able to work or not and send you on your way with your new information! You must post here before getting a job or an apartment!

Note: People under 20 should see the Underage Characters section to see the best way to go about this for that age group.

2) If you are carrying a huge visible weapon, or a gun! These are illegal (guns are legal if you belong to the police force)! If you are caught with these, they will immediately be confiscated and you will be taken to a holding area in a police station where you will have a chance to explain yourself if you do not have ID already. More than one offense can and WILL get you arrested. And dude, it is DANGEROUS to be in a jail at this time.

3) Find an apartment! Unless you came with gold on you, or yen, the apartments you will be able to afford WILL be shitty! Choose a location for this apartment from the map provided. Your character is considered underage if he or she is under 20 years old. That means that they cannot sign a contract on their own to get their own apartment! They need someone over twenty to sign it for them. Please refer to Underage Characters to see what you can do!

4) Find a job! Some people, sadly, will be doomed to menial tasks. Cashiering, retail positions, the ass of the job market. But, it is easier to get along in society if you have one of these jobs, as they don't require extensive background checks, just your basic ID, which looks like any other person's ID. The most BASIC of background checks will pull up the fact that you are not from around here, and if you don't mind the stuff that goes with it and you show great knowledge and promise, you may be permitted to make MORE money by taking certain tests and working better jobs. However, the tests involve numerous levels.
These levels are:

1) Taking many tests to prove intelligence.
2) Going to numerous companies and interviews attempting to get jobs.
3) Extensive, but not invasive, experimentation which includes physical testing, testing of superhuman abilities, and sanity aptitude testing. Can involve invasion of privacy in some cases. (This is paid.)

Also, you are undoubtedly pegged as one of the "anomalies" and will most likely come across discrimination in your workplace if you are hired. Basically, getting an awesome job is not for everyone, even if you get to have nice things.

If you are cute, witty, or have a really weird, showy ability, there's always show business or the circus! There are always scouts out looking for new talent! If you get picked up by one, you might end up rubbing noses with the best and brightest in the business!

starting the game, mod post

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