
Apr 14, 2012 16:10

[This is not his dorm; the couch he's lying on is too comfortable.]

[Yeah, he's too tired to care. At least he'd gotten his ridiculous amount of homework over with last night...or was it this morning?]

[He doesn't have any classes today anyway. He curls up under his hoodie (when did he take it off?) and tries to go back to sleep.]


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Comments 10

collegecowboy May 1 2012, 04:21:23 UTC
[It was unclear how he had got there. Last Woody could remember was Bonnie placing him in her backpack. They had been on their way to the park and by the harmonious chipping of the birds he had heard, he had gathered they had made it there. It seemed he had been mistaken.

A cabin was the last place the cowboy had thought to find himself. At no point had he heard them enter or even walk into it. It seemed so unlike him to pay such little mind to that around him. Maybe he had finally begun to feel comfortable with Bonnie, trust her the way he had...]


[Woody clasped his hands over his mouth, having recognizing his mistake immediately after laying eyes on the kid. His kid. Somehow, someway, he'd found Andy of all people, simply resting on one of the cabins couches. He scrambled back and hid behind a table leg, hoping that he had not woken the boy.]


:DDD affably_andy May 1 2012, 10:40:23 UTC

[Andy sits up suddenly, the hoodie sliding to the floor.] Who-?

[...this really isn't anywhere he's been before, is it?]

[He brings his legs to the floor, but he doesn't trust his balance enough to try to stand. How long had he been sleeping?]

[He peers around, looking for anyone who might own this place. Only his size, though, so Andy probably won't be paying attention to any table legs.]



collegecowboy May 2 2012, 04:41:09 UTC
[Woody did all that he can to remain perfectly still. The faintest patter or slightest creak could have surely gave him away. Still, part of him wished that Andy would find him. And while he stood there, hidden behind the table leg, he wondered more whether he could find the words to speak to his owner than he did the consequence.]


[The same silence that had greeted Andy so many years before would do so again.]


affably_andy May 2 2012, 20:38:41 UTC
[Perhaps it would, perhaps it wouldn't. Andy's a bit preoccupied right now.]

[He realizes distantly that he isn't wearing his shoes, but he doesn't give it much attention yet. A few ideas of what might've happened run through his mind: He's been 'kidnapped' and dragged off somewhere by his roommate. He's at a local house after a party that he's probably blocking from his memory. He sleepwalked somewhere. He's at a part of campus he hasn't looked at bef--]

[--it was winter last he checked. The window outside is showing lots of green.]

[To nobody in particular] ...what happened.

[He stands and starts to make his way around the room, hoping to find something that could help him figure it out. Possibly moving towards a certain table...]


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