
Dec 09, 2011 18:05

[... God dammit why did this cabin have so many rooms?! .... No he was not lost. Shaddup]

daxter, mao, emizel

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madsciencemaou December 10 2011, 02:20:50 UTC
[sometime in his wanderings, it is likely that Emizel will come across Mao, who will be laying back on a random couch playing his Slaystation Portable]


madsciencemaou December 10 2011, 04:25:13 UTC
Good. I'm not a tour service. And you're taking up time I could be using to beat the bonus boss, so you better be grateful! [he starts wandering through the halls and... eventually ends up in the kitchen]

...And... that's how you get here. [it totally wasn't muscle memory that led him here, nope]


trademark_skull December 10 2011, 04:46:19 UTC
[Well it wasn't quite what he looking for but... did that mean he helped him anyway?]

Ah... thanks? [actually, the way outside probably was very close from here]


madsciencemaou December 10 2011, 17:45:26 UTC
What are you thanking me for? Aren't you a demon? You should only be thanking someone for evil purposes, like when a hero accidentally reveals their weak point or plays into your hands or when you're borrowing something you never intend to give back. [BECAUSE MAO IS THE BEST NORMALCY BAROMETER]

...Oi, you didn't "borrow" anything from me, did you?


trademark_skull December 10 2011, 20:38:17 UTC
[TOTALLY the best example of normalcy.]

I didn't take anything! [... Although he did somehow get you to bring him here without even asking. Did that... count for anything..?]


madsciencemaou December 10 2011, 20:46:57 UTC
[he eyes Emizel suspiciously. DO NOT TRUST] You better not have.

...What netherworld are you from? [because he's never seen this kid at the academy before]


trademark_skull December 10 2011, 21:00:27 UTC
[Well you're gonna be disappointed then when you discover he really didn't steal anything, Mao.]

... The one that's connected to Earth. [Once again. Netherworlds, really need to start investing in names.]


madsciencemaou December 10 2011, 21:06:00 UTC
Earth? That planet with the Defenders of Earth?! That Earth?


trademark_skull December 10 2011, 21:32:40 UTC
I haven't heard of them before but, yeah. [... probably.]


madsciencemaou December 10 2011, 21:37:16 UTC
I've only ever read about them in comic books! Have you met them? What all do you know? Have you gotten to see the Super Robot Thursday in action? What are its capabilities? Can it transform?! Tell me.

[and now Mao is rather uncomfortably up in your personal space]


trademark_skull December 10 2011, 22:14:38 UTC
[.. That is rather uncomfortable. And this would be an Emizel trying to step anyway]

I-I don't know anything about them!


madsciencemaou December 10 2011, 22:18:49 UTC
...Oh. [and suddenly he's back to normal and stepping away] That's disappointing.


trademark_skull December 10 2011, 22:29:35 UTC
[Good, he likes having his personal space. And.. sighs] ... Although there was someone here that mentioned about there being multiple Earths. Maybe it's one of those.


madsciencemaou December 10 2011, 23:45:06 UTC
Hmph. I guess it makes sense. Even if it doesn't make it any less disappointing. They would have made excellent specimens. Especially that robot.


trademark_skull December 11 2011, 01:09:16 UTC
You mean like... experiment on them? [That seemed a bit unsettling.]


madsciencemaou December 11 2011, 18:40:51 UTC
What else would I mean?


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