
Jul 18, 2011 14:43

[Sara's perched herself on a rock outside the cabin, taking a moment to enjoy the scenery, even taking a moment to sketch some of it in a sketchpad she keeps in her bag. She's humming along to a song that's probably familiar (to anyone from her world anyway) and isn't really paying that much attention to what she's not working on.

jenna sommers, original characters, sara sidle

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Comments 9

auntjenna July 19 2011, 00:24:29 UTC
[ jenna's a bit curious. it's been a weird sort of day and her senses of exploration and avoidance are high. so, she's out by the cabin, walking around when she sees the other woman. deciding to approach cautiously - her vervain necklace is still on and her purfume and tea still in her system - she glances at the sketchbook. ]

Been a while since I've been near anyone who draws.

[ she stops a little bit away, far enough to give them both some space. ]


cannonwithagun July 19 2011, 00:47:58 UTC
[Sara looks up from her sketch when she hears the voice. It's kind of a crude drawing, but she's mostly doing it because she's bored, not for any sort of serious reason.]

Oh. [She shrugs.] Keeps me in practice.


auntjenna July 19 2011, 00:54:28 UTC
[ jenna offers a small, reassuring smile. she's not a threat at all and never will be. ]

Never really was my thing. I'm not much into the creative things.


cannonwithagun July 20 2011, 23:07:29 UTC
[This may be true or untrue, but Sara doesn't trust everyone she meets that easily.]

Ah, I got into it for my job, I guess.


x3 notasweetdream July 20 2011, 01:54:39 UTC
[Mari was also enjoying the outdoors--especially this in-between weather. That breeze brushing past her felt good.

As she began to stroll along the grassy field she overheard the humming. Oh I know that song! Good one. Gotta love The Who, she thought with a pleasant smile on her face as she decides to check out who's out there.

Turning a corner, she saw the woman, sitting and sketching something. Mari found herself grinning a little. Gee, she looks familiar. Ha, in-ter-est-innng...

Wait for it. Her pretty alto voice sings the chorus line right on key and on cue.]

Whoooo are you? Who, who? Who, who? Whoooo are you? Who, who? Who, who? [Just after that she manages not to giggle.]


cannonwithagun July 20 2011, 23:08:35 UTC
[Sara hears the song and looks around for the person singing it. Although, it doesn't mean much to her at this point, it's just a song by The Who to her, nothing more, nothing less.]


notasweetdream July 21 2011, 16:28:33 UTC
[Of course it doesn't. Not that she'd go over to break Sara's brain either. Besides...it's been ages since she watched... Not that much material to do it with. So, she'll just behave and act as if she doesn't know her.

Regardless, hah, hearing what she heard that was amusing.

Mari walks on over so Sara could see her. The grin's not so big as it was, and she doesn't come very close, giving a healthy amount of space between them.] Great band. My dad's into them too. Been that way for as long as I can remember...

[She notices the sketchpad but decides not to say anything about that yet.]


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