Jan 26, 2014 17:47
Thinking: Movies that are sequels, but where you are not told they are sequels, and previous events are explained as backstory in such a way that a viewer would not necessarily be aware that those are EVENTS IN A PREVIOUS MOVIE, merely events happening before the start of the current film. Or even just "backstory, possibly flashback".
For example: Desperado, to El Mariachi. The events of El Mariachi happened and are canon, but Desperado is not El Mariachi 2: Mariachi More Furiously. It's a standalone movie about what happens when the protagonist of El Mariachi goes into the revenge business, and you're not told and don't ever need to know that there IS a previous movie.
What are other examples of this?
Being named "X Movie 2" does not inherently disqualify you, to my thinking. There, the TITLE tells you it's a sequel but the content might work as a standalone movie. But reboots *are* disqualified: The fact that Casino Royale and The Sum Of All Fears are standalone movies that do not give any indication of the previous movies is damaged by the fact that they're explicitly contradicting and disavowing the existing canon. NuTrek 1 is a funny case, because it relies on and refers to the previous canon *while* contradicting and disavowing it, using time travel and bad writing; I still think it doesn't count.
Related, because I'm watching Desperado: "Movies that are made worse when Salma Hayek is onscreen: All Salma Hayek movies, or only the ones I've seen?"
(I feel slightly bad about that cheap shot because I have never heard anything bad about Salma Hayek as a person. I just find her grating in a way I have trouble explaining, to the point where I mostly avoid movies that star her because she makes me ITCH and I don't like it. It's like how Gwen Stefani makes me sneeze and how I automatically hate all Powers Boothe characters.[1])
[1]:Well, for that last one at least, I know why: because Powers Boothe is the devil.[2]
[2]:It's the only logical explanation.