I love living in the future.

May 08, 2011 16:29

Scientists can induce schizophrenia in computers.

Short version: one of the theories of what happens in the minds of people with schizophrenia is that they lose the ability to consider things insignificant, and start "hyperlearning" - forming connections between events and memories that simply aren't there, due to sensory overload.

It turns out that if you program a working natural-language-learning-network to do this, it starts exhibiting classic schizophrenic symptoms.

"After being re-trained with the elevated learning rate, DISCERN began putting itself at the center of fantastical, delusional stories that incorporated elements from other stories it had been told to recall. In one answer, for instance, DISCERN claimed responsibility for a terrorist bombing. In another instance, DISCERN began showing evidence of “derailment”-replying to requests for a specific memory with a jumble of dissociated sentences, abrupt digressions and constant leaps from the first- to the third-person and back again."
That is SO COOL.
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