Who: Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip and Dale! Rescue Rangers! Anyone who wants to jump in.
What: Saving the punks from the birthday party gone horribly wrong
Where: Aperture Labs
When: Saturday night, March 17, right after GLaDOS' return is made known.
- This log is for the rescue party crashing Aperture. Party guests are primarily in a separate log until the
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Comments 37
"So. You found out about the Bad Decisions Party too. Any idea what all's in there?"
Frankly, Spidey made it a habit to not go investigating ruins with a bad reputation in the worst part of the city which, bonus!, also happened to play host to what he could only describe as 'Halloween fauna.'
Oh, look. It's Remy. You're friendly neighborhood Cajun who came along with the Dark Knight. He's not much for sitting around and planning strategy when things are going wrong, but he's not an idiot, so he's all ears.
She debated hopping down but, for the moment, decided that her current position was most likely for the best. She could meet everyone's eyes up here. Not to mention that the humans, good souls though they were, might forget someone below eye-level purely by accident.
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