Who: Caspian X and Nemesis Prime What: Caspian gets to meet a thestral and a transformer in person! Where: Southern District When: Friday, Afternoon Warnings: None Notes: None
Said black winged horse was was actually in the middle of eating what looked like a mass of raw meat, though, on the prrouch of someone, it lifted it's head 'sniffing' at the air, if it could be called that. A toss of the head, and a shrill and strange yell that resembled some sort of monstrous bird was given before it settled down.
Not that far from the animal, Nemesis Prime himself sat, mostly out of sight, but - it was rather hard to hide him fully. His optics closed, he was, for now, at rest, allowing repair systems to slowly, oh so slowly work on the dents and dings he still sported.
Caspian winced at the shrill cry, but he didn't back away. Instead, he drew closer, slowly and warily. The creature was quite odd, monstrous one could call it. And yet not so. It was like no monster he had ever seen, anyway. Of course, it was hard to miss the large, metal figure just off to the side. So this is what those things looked like up close.
They were definitely very large. The face also became familiar to him.
Harbinger soon went back to his meal, considering the human to be a non-threat right now.
An optic cracked open as Nemesis Prime regarded the voice, grunting a little, but otherwise giving no outward sign of his confusion, and revulsion that an organic was addressing him. Then then it clicked that the Organic was Caspian, and he nodded once. He didn't bother to sit up either. As far as he was concerned - This was rest time, thank you very much. "Yes?"
Caspian approached the large mechanical creature, looking up at him with a mixture of awe and awkward. "I... well," He started. He honestly didn't expect to meet Nemesis face to face and even then, he was just so big. "I did not expect you here. May I ask what you are doing?"
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Not that far from the animal, Nemesis Prime himself sat, mostly out of sight, but - it was rather hard to hide him fully. His optics closed, he was, for now, at rest, allowing repair systems to slowly, oh so slowly work on the dents and dings he still sported.
They were definitely very large. The face also became familiar to him.
It was Nova- no, Nemesis Prime. "Nemesis?"
An optic cracked open as Nemesis Prime regarded the voice, grunting a little, but otherwise giving no outward sign of his confusion, and revulsion that an organic was addressing him. Then then it clicked that the Organic was Caspian, and he nodded once. He didn't bother to sit up either. As far as he was concerned - This was rest time, thank you very much. "Yes?"
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