Sep 07, 2009 21:20
[The video cuts in with a lovely view of the fields north of the Northern Gate. There are a number of figures standing there - three dressed all in white, and one in deep violet robes adorned with peacock feathers.]
[when she speaks, it is with an oddly deep voice, for her size, and resonant. Commanding.]
[She turns to face the camera, then, her violet eyes deep and arresting.]
Greetings, citizens of Nautilus. I am Isis, Scion of the North, formerly Deva of Winds, now Deva of Glass.
[Strange; don't most Deva cover their eyes?]
Doubtless, the traitor Ameras, my brother; his accomplice Cyrus, and now the turncoat Solaris have told you a great many things about me. They have likely said that I am mad, that what I do will end the world.
[She looks away, then, closing her eyes, a pained expression crossing her face.]
Nothing could be further from the truth. You have been lied to, people of Nautilus, all of you; wrongfully imprisoned here to fight a war against your will. For months, now, you have been kept away from your homes, your families, your destinies without reason or cause. True, the gates were never locked, you could return, but what was returning but a lie? Returning to a world that moves on without you, that treats you like a puppet... that is no return at all.
Tell me, what has this city ever done for you? It has changed your forms against your will, it has tormented you, twisted you, and, in some cases, even murdered you. It has brought in creatures no one should ever have to face, put you in the company of murderers and monsters; it has taken what you love and forced you through insurmountable trials. You owe it nothing.
[takes a deep breath, and looks back at the camera]
I beg of you, please. Do not hold by what my brother has told you; he is a thief, and a liar, a consummate con artist. I am not here as a conquering warlord, but as a humble servant. I am here to help you, to save you from this fate.
Aid me, and I will ensure that each and every one of you is returned to your homes immediately. You will be able to direct your own fates again, and if you wish you will have no memory of this wretched city.
As to what I am trying to do... Ameras has likely told you that I am trying to freeze the universe, trying to put it into a straightjacket, to stagnate it. That could not be further from the truth. I am trying to instill some sense of order, to save it from itself. Ameras was right about one thing - the universe is dying, but we did not need more Deva... indeed, it was the Deva themselves who were killing it. A thousand disparate ideas about the way the universe should be, all conflicting, all fighting with each other... I am trying to stabilize this universe.
Please, people of Nautilus... grant me the benefit of the doubt. Hear my words, join my cause.
[[ooc: tags may be either normal or action spam; that is, feel free to march on out of the northern gate.
ps: modlings, you know what to do. and if you don't uhhh im me.]]
† isis