Drabble: Rainy

Feb 04, 2010 22:54

Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Title: Rainy
Prompt: #224 - Clouds at femslash100
Pairing: Willow/Tara
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: They're not mine. *weep*

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ficcing, comm: femslash100, buffy is love of my life, p: willow/tara, ch: willow rosenberg, ch: tara maclay, drabble aka 100 words

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Comments 2

ladycallie February 5 2010, 05:38:57 UTC
*lip wibble*

It's always bothered me that she and Joyce and Jenny were lost in the destruction. :(


thevera February 5 2010, 06:15:28 UTC
I know, I was thinking the exact same thing the other day... :(


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