Top 5 Willow Scenes

Aug 13, 2010 14:10

Requests for this meme. You can still ask me something if you want (or even if you don't, I enjoy making lists, heh).

Top 5 Willow Scenes
(asked by artemis_ephesus )
So, I tried to make this more about Willow and less about Willow/Tara (which still includes Willow, y'know) and it worked out fine!

Statistics: As far as I now, 3/5 of the scenes were written by Joss and ( Read more... )

i love you ..., i'm a meme addict, lists make me happy, buffy:s4, buffy:s7, buffy:s5, buffy is love of my life, picspamming, ch: willow rosenberg, buffy:s3, buffy:s6

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Comments 17

syxstring August 13 2010, 14:31:03 UTC
Awww! I love me some Willow, she's so amazing.
I love the scenes you chose!


thevera August 13 2010, 15:50:14 UTC
I know, Willow's awesome! ♥


(The comment has been removed)

thevera August 13 2010, 16:02:37 UTC
Ah. Thank you for sharing. After my so far only encounter with death, my after-state was very Dawn-like. This episode captures different reactions to death, these little moments, so very well. Ah.


snickerdoodles August 13 2010, 17:40:35 UTC
I love #2 so much, but in all honesty I love all of the scenes you picked.

And now I'm feeling weepy after looking at this. :(


thevera August 14 2010, 00:43:02 UTC
Yeah. I considered the Willow/Xander scene for my #1 spot so badly. So heartbreaking. *sighs*


padrejose August 13 2010, 21:26:37 UTC
I don't think you could have picked any better Willow scenes!! gah just so wonderful!!


thevera August 14 2010, 00:45:12 UTC
Thank yoooouu, I tried to do my best. :)


author_by_night August 13 2010, 22:23:13 UTC
I love the scenes you listed! :) I really like Willow's character - I'm probably in the minority there, but I enjoyed her character development. Yes, she did some pretty sick things, but to be perfectly honest, I can't blame her for going crazy. And she overcame it - moreover, she overcame it for her best friend. I love the power of it. I love Xander and Willow, period. Minus their half romance thing early in season three... I didn't really like that.


thevera August 14 2010, 00:49:05 UTC
Love your icon!

I agree with pretty much everything you said. I loved Willow's path, from the start to the end; the only thing that didn't work for me was the magic = drug metaphor. Luckily, I found a way to fanwank it. :) And big YES to liking Willow & Xander, but not Willow/Xander - I actually listed them as my least favorite Buffyverse romance in the 30 Days of Buffy meme.


author_by_night August 14 2010, 12:16:22 UTC

the only thing that didn't work for me was the magic = drug metaphor.

Yeah. "In this very special episode of Buffy..." I don't think they needed to do that. Even as far as towards the end of season two Willow's all too happy to turn to magic... usually when something bad happens. It was never a drug, it was her way of fighting and she got carried away. The drug metaphor didn't even really fit with how Willow later used dark magic.


thevera August 15 2010, 10:22:33 UTC
Yep, exactly! And let's not forget how Willow resorts to magic to quickly and painlessly fix her problems as early as in Season 3 (Lovers Walk) and Season 4 (Wild at Heart). The drug metaphor didn't work at all with any pre-Season 6 use of magic.


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