Days 12/13 of Buffy Meme: Least Favorite Episode/Favorite Potential Slayer

Aug 04, 2010 22:49

Day 12 - Least Favorite Episode

Already discussed here.

Day 13 - Favorite Potential Slayer

Sometimes I feel like an anomaly: I didn't hate Kennedy. I didn't hate Rona. In fact, I didn't hate any of the Potentials (though I do wish our main characters got more screentime in Season 7). Now, which one is my favorite?

Well, I like Vi for she is Felicia ( Read more... )

check out this meta, buffy is love of my life, m: 30 days of buffy meme, ch: the potentials, i'm a meme addict, ch: kennedy

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Comments 8

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thevera August 5 2010, 19:01:53 UTC
*nods* All good points. I feel sorry for her, though.


mierke August 5 2010, 16:10:46 UTC
I didn't really care much for the potentials either way; I didn't really love or hate any of them.

I didn't like Kennedy; mainly because of the way she treated Willow. I realize that she was meant to be the anti-Tara, and I didn't really hate her for her personality, but it did rub me the wrong way that she didn't seem to be willing to accept the magic as a crucial part of Willow; she mostly seemed to be scared of it and seemed to prefer it if Willow pretended it didn't exist. (Anyway, that's how I recall the seventh season; I've only seen most of the episodes once, though, so maybe I'm wrong)

I agree on Amanda though; she was pretty awesome.


thevera August 5 2010, 19:08:20 UTC
Hm. *ponders* The way I saw it, she accepted and even supported this part of Willow after initially (and quite naturally) being scared and unfamilliar with it. But I may be wrong as well, my memory of this part of S7 isn't that fresh either...


stormwreath August 5 2010, 23:26:33 UTC
The way I saw it: she started off being a bit sceptical and suspicious of it all, but was willing to accept Willow's interest in it, the way you might accept your girlfriend being into a TV show or kind of music that you didn't like yourself. "You care about it. So it's cool" (TKIM).

But before long, Kennedy was fiercely loyal to Willow and ready to praise her magic talents to anybody who cared to listen. "You're gonna let her (Buffy) talk to you like that? Willow, she's not even the most powerful one in this room. With you here, she's not close." (GID) I don't think you can call her anything but utterly supportive when Willow was preparing for her big spell in 'Chosen'.

Kennedy's not like Tara in that she won't join in with the spells herself; but she'll certainly be there hugging Willow or resting her head on her shoulder and saying supportive things as Willow casts the spell.

And thanks for reccing my meta. ♥


thevera August 7 2010, 00:13:06 UTC
but was willing to accept Willow's interest in it, the way you might accept your girlfriend being into a TV show or kind of music that you didn't like yourself.

That's what we, all fandom nerds, would need, eh? ;)

All very well said, thanks for commenting! And you're welcome, it is a good piece of meta. :)


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