[Ryuunosuke is not smiling for once. He seems to be laying back in his bed with a gloomy expression.]Hey, Prospero. I'm bored, so you get to hear me talk about stuff that isn't important. Sound good
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Nope! It's more interesting to be able to summon something from my head and do things with that that no ordinary human could, I'm happy with that. [At the moment.]
Guess I'm not too good with metaphors. I've never seen a swan in action, so I'd probably guess something more like an eagle myself. Swooping in outta nowhere with killer claws.
Okay! My name's Sakurako Shiina, and I'm a third year at Mahora Academy in Japan! I'm in lacrosse club and the cheerleading team, and my favorite hobbies are shopping and karaoke! Oh, and I'm in a band with the other cheerleaders and our friend Ako! It's called Dekopin Rocket, and I sing and play the drums! Um, let's see... my favorite flavor of ice cream is strawberry, and I have two cats named Cookie and Biscuit! Also, I've always been really lucky, so I use it to bet with my friends on stupid stuff around school to win lots of lunch tickets so I never have to pay for my meals!
Comments 232
[Snark? You betcha.]
And why on earth are you going on about birds?
I said I was bored. Doesn't your mind wander when you have nothing to do?
I don't suddenly decide to compare people to birds.
Are you going to complain about the swan part?
Okay! My name's Sakurako Shiina, and I'm a third year at Mahora Academy in Japan! I'm in lacrosse club and the cheerleading team, and my favorite hobbies are shopping and karaoke! Oh, and I'm in a band with the other cheerleaders and our friend Ako! It's called Dekopin Rocket, and I sing and play the drums! Um, let's see... my favorite flavor of ice cream is strawberry, and I have two cats named Cookie and Biscuit! Also, I've always been really lucky, so I use it to bet with my friends on stupid stuff around school to win lots of lunch tickets so I never have to pay for my meals!
...I guess that's about it.
[Huh. That's one thought he never thought he'd have.]
Have you a spent a long of time with them, then?
[Translation: How the hell are you still alive?]
I met most of them right after coming here, so about two months. Why?
Two months is a long time. Are you familiar with how this world works already?
Pretty much. Got my Persona, fought Shadows, the works. I'm pretty well settled in.
[Only just voice, since Atsuro's in the middle of something.]
If you're bored, take up a hobby.
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