Ch #089 | Minimalism.

Feb 09, 2014 22:35

Your task this week is to make minimalistic icons.
This means that the icons should be clean, simple, with no heavy  textures, no text, pale colors, etc.

burntheflaws | daaydreamer | daydreamshole

thewonderlife | daynawashere | oviedo | talipuu x2

reebeecaa | superjesster | oviedo | partitioning | justmyb0nes

partitioning | trespassings x2 | oxoniensis | reebeecaa

sietepecados | sucksucksmile | neversleeps | julie_izumi | poisonfield

› Each participant can submit up to 4 icons.
› All the icons and urls must be submited as a one separate entry.
› Tag your entries with your username and the number of the challenge that is taking place.
› The icons must fit the LJ standards: 40 kb, 100x100px
› Premade icons are not allowed, they must be new for all the challenges hosted here.
› All effects are allowed except for animation unless otherwise stated.
› Be careful with spoilerish images. If your using caps from the newest episodes, please put them under SPOILER.
› Deadline for this challenge is: Sunday, February the 16th.

!challenge post, challenge: 89

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