I've put together 60 random caps in a folder so this week you have to ask for a number (1 to 60) and I'll give you the cap corresponding that number, you may ask 5 random numbers tops and then you can choose the caps you're going to use out of that 5.
If you can't use any of the caps that you'd choose I'll let you pick another 3.
I tried to choose easy caps, aka caps that aren't too dark, not grainy, etc.
Comments are screened so you can't guess other people caps.
I'll send you the caps via PM.
This wasn't my idea, it was
messdestruction's in
trueblood_elite. I thougth it was cool to try it here ;)
→ Each participant can submit up to 3 icons.
→ All the icons and urls must be submited as a one separate entry.
→ Tag your entries with your username and the number of the challenge that is taking place.
→ The icons must fit the LJ standards: 40 kb, 100x100px
→ Premade icons are not allowed, they must be new for all the challenges hosted here.
→ All effects are allowed except for animation unless otherwise stated.
→ Be careful with spoilerish images. If your using caps from the newest episodes, please put them under SPOILER.
→ Deadline for this challenge is: Sunday, April 14th.