Gray Morning Rewrite -- Chapter 1

Feb 23, 2014 11:24

So uh... my plan to wait to do this until Camp NaNo? Yeah, totally ain't happening now. For those of you who were around during my first run-through of Gray Morning might remember this. The vast majority of this is written from scratch, except towards the end. I lifted a lot of that dialogue word-for-word, but still altered the descriptions as I saw fit.
Also, why can't they stay like this? I want them to stay like this, damnit! Also, since this is now a single book and not a trilogy, let me know if this feels...appropriate for setting up the world and a good introduction to Jazz and Savin's characters. I couldn't shake this scene because I felt it illustrated them so well as a functioning, happy couple.

Savin glanced at his phone and furrowed his brow. “Why is he calling me?” he murmured, recognizing the number as his father’s. His father was covering his shift in the ER that night -- so they couldn’t possibly be short-handed.... Could they? But then the hospital would be calling him, right? And not his father?

“Put that damn thing away, or so help me, Savin, I will get the Imperial Guard to shoot it out of your hands.”

Savin jumped, looked up at his husband, and offered the younger man a guilty smile before stashing his phone away in his pocket. “Sorry, Jazz,” he said sheepishly. He pushed his dark bangs out of his eyes before leaning in close. “I promise I won’t look at it again while we’re out.”

“Good,” Jazz said, giving Savin a small smile. He ran his fingers through his blond hair and glanced around the small restaurant before speaking again. “I’m the goddamn Emperor and even I don’t look at my phone that much.” Jazz kept his voice low, his lips barely brushing against the lip of the glass bottle he had in his hands.

“That’s ‘cause the Guard will tell you what’s going on before you’d even get the notification on your phone,” Savin pointed out, picking up his martini and taking a small sip from it. “Speaking of -- are you sure they’re not following us too closely, tonight...?”

Jazz raised an eyebrow at Savin’s question before his eyes widened. Savin had begun to drag his foot up the length of Jazz’s leg underneath the table. “I swear to god, Savin, if you’re suggesting what I think you are....” He trailed off, and Savin thought he heard a quiet moan escape from Jazz’s lips.

“What?” Savin gave Jazz an innocent smile as his foot pushed Jazz’s legs a little wider. “They let me drive you here all by my lonesome, why can’t I take you somewhere a little more...private? It is our anniversary, after all -- and how often do we get to go out without your entourage of Guards in close proximity?”

Jazz just rolled his eyes and shook his head, but that didn’t stop him from leaning back against the booth a bit and spreading his legs a bit wider for Savin. He picked up his bottle of beer again, running his tongue over the edge of the glass before tipping it back. “Do you ever think about anything else? Aren’t men supposed to want to do that less as they get older?” he quipped, giving Savin a teasing smile.

“Hey! Just because I’m turning thirty-five in a few months doesn’t mean I’m old, okay?” Savin countered, chuckling into his own martini. He then smirked at Jazz, pressing his foot flat against Jazz’s crotch and teasing him as best as he could through Jazz’s jeans. “Though, I hear the Emperor prefers older men...”

Jazz’s eyes fluttered closed for a moment, his hand visibly tightening around his bottle. He then shifted in his seat, rubbing himself against Savin’s foot. “Mm, you heard that too, huh?” Jazz murmured, his voice thick with lust. He leaned over the both and glanced around the restaurant once again. “How clean do you think their bathroom is?” he asked, his blue eyes lighting up with mirth as he pushed Savin’s foot away from him.

Savin grinned. “Isn’t that a little too -- public for you?” he asked, downing the rest of his drink in a single gulp. “Aren’t you worried one of the paparazzi will find us? ‘Emperor and Imperial Consort Found in Restaurant Bathroom in Compromising Positions’?”

“They only give a shit about me if they think I might be cheating on you and you know it,” Jazz said with a snort, shaking his head. “Besides -- the Guard will end up watching if we do it in the car on the way back.”

“I’m okay with that,” Savin said, grinning even wider. It was his turn to lean in close that time, dropping his voice to a husky whisper. “That sounds kinda hot, actually, knowing that they’d watch as I pulled you into my lap and slipped you out of those jeans...” He trailed off with a wink, picking a leftover fry off from Jazz’s plate. “But it’s up to you whether you want an audience or not.”

“I’m gonna scope out the bathroom,” Jazz said wryly, smacking Savin’s hand as he reached for yet another fry. “I’ll text you to let you know when it’s safe for you to come in,” he continued, pushing himself out of the booth. “You are paying for this, aren’t you?”

“Of course,” Savin said, reaching for his wallet. “I’ll meet you there as soon as I can.”

Jazz nodded, not saying another word as he headed back towards the bathroom. Savin pulled out his phone as soon as the younger man was out of sight, settling it down on the table. He had it on vibrate, after all, and it was unlikely he would feel it when he received Jazz’s text for the okay.

As he flagged down their waitress and asked for the check, the phone began to buzz against the table. Savin snatched the phone up, only to realize it was yet another call from his father. Frowning to himself, Savin debated whether he should answer it. His father never called him twice in the same night unless it was important, but --

Ready when you are. ;) the text message all but whispered seductively, reminding him that he and Jazz were, in fact, on a very well-deserved and long overdue date. Savin let the call go to voicemail yet again, knowing that his dad would get the hint and leave a message, eventually.

After all, he had a very hot husband who was ready and willing waiting for him in the public bathroom of a restaurant. Nothing could be more important than fulfilling one’s husband’s desires.

Especially not when the husband in question was the most important man in the world.


That most important man in the world woke with a start the next morning, his alarm clock blaring in his ears. Groaning, Jazz slammed his hand against the clock, turning off the alarm without so much as looking at it. His head felt fuzzy, cloudy, and achey. He rolled onto his side, snuggling against Savin’s back. “How much did I drink last night...?” he murmured against Savin’s skin, refusing to open his eyes.

“Just a handful of beers,” Savin answered, his own voice thick with sleep. He, too, rolled onto his side, wrapping his arms around Jazz and pressing a quick kiss to Jazz’s forehead. “Sleep well?” he asked, a hint of amusement to his voice.

“Mmph,” Jazz answered, and Savin laughed. “Don’t wanna go to the Council Meeting,” he grumbled, finally opening his eyes. Their bedroom was only beginning to lighten up, thankfully, giving him a moment of reprieve from the pain he knew he was eventually in for. “Someone kept me up late, last night...”

“I seem to recall a certain someone begged me to get him off several times, last night,” Savin quipped, his body shaking with silent laughter as Jazz smacked his arm lightly. “And we both know I can’t resist a well-timed please....”

“Mmm, no, you can’t,” Jazz said, smiling to himself. He leaned up, pressing his lips against Savin’s. “Don’t you have to get up for work, too?” he asked as he pulled away.

“Yeah -- I have to do my dad’s scheduled surgeries this morning since he covered for me in the ER, last night,” Savin said, yawning partway through. “Don’t gotta be there until six-thirty, though. So you go take your shower first. I should figure out why my dad was calling me last night, anyway.”

Jazz nodded, sitting up the rest of the way and letting the blanket fall away from him. He proceeded to stumble towards the bathroom in hopes that the hot water of the shower will help ease his slight, potential hang-over.

He took his time, the sound of running water soothing and helping his head clear, just a little bit. He tried to focus on what he wanted to discuss with the Council, that morning. Tried not to think that his Council might be better prepared for this meeting than he was, for once, considering he hadn’t stopped to do any of his paperwork at all, the night before. But, it was his wedding anniversary last night. Surely the Council would understand?

Sighing, Jazz eventually stopped the water and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a white towel around his waist. As he made his way out of the bathroom and back into their bedroom, he frowned.

He had half-expected Savin to have fallen back asleep in the time it took him to take a shower. Except the older man remained upright on the bed, his phone held loosely in his hand and his hair obscuring normally bright green eyes. “Savin?” he called cautiously, stepping over to the bed.

Savin didn’t look up from his phone. Instead, Jazz saw Savin press his lips into a thin line, his hand tightening around his phone. Jazz’s frown deepened and he settled onto the bed beside Savin, placing a comforting hand on the older man’s lower back. “What’s wrong?” he breathed, watching as Savin’s fingers curled around his phone tightly.

That time, Savin snapped his head up, tearing his eyes away from his phone. Jazz saw tears forming at the edges of Savin’s eyes, threatening to spill over. “My mother died last night.” The words were barely above a whisper, but that didn’t stop the pain from coming through loud and clear.

Jazz pulled Savin close, cradling Savin’s head to his chest. “I’m sorry,” he said, knowing it was the best he could offer. Savin just further buried his head against Jazz’s shoulder in response, his own shoulders beginning to shake. “I can cancel the Council meeting, if you want --”

“No,” Savin muttered, his voice thick with emotion. “Mitchel would give you so much shit for it.”

“I think even Mitchel would understand,” Jazz murmured, hugging Savin tightly. “Your mother just died, Savin --”

“No,” Savin repeated, shaking his head. “You’ve got an Empire to run, and I’ve got surgeries I need to do, so --” He sucked in a shuddering breath and pushed himself out of Jazz’s arms. “I’m -- gonna go take my shower,” he mumbled, turning away from Jazz.

Jazz frowned, but let his husband go without so much as a word. Sighing, he got up from the bed as well and headed towards their closet.

If Savin wanted to go on as if it were a normal day, Jazz would just have to follow his lead.

Next Chapter

original fiction, trigger: language, character: savin, rating: r, pairing: jazz/savin, character: jazz, novel: gray morning, trigger: death

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