Review: Bones - S5E1 - Harbingers Under The Fountain

Sep 18, 2009 20:55

Show: Bones
Station: FOX
Timeslot: Thursdays @ 8pm

OMG! *FLAILS* BONES IS BACK AND I'M SO EXCITED! I'm pretty sure everyone LOVED the season premiere, I mean, how could you not. IT HAD CAROLINE JULIENNE IN IT! Caroline needs more screentime, she should be in every episode. And Cyndi Lauper was amazing!! I loved the song she was singing during the montage in the beginning. If anyone finds it or has it, let me know.

So, we start out in a park and we have Brennan, Angela, and Avalon Harmonia, Angela's psychic. May I just take the time to say that I freaking LOVED Angela's hair in this scene! She looked gorgeous and I'm exetremely jealous (in a good way though!). Avalon is reading Brennan's cards and Brennan is being her usualy skeptical self, until Avalon brings up the pregnancy while Brennan is leaving. I think this startled Brennan a bit, because she clearly hadn't told anyone else about her being pregnant in the book/slash dream and she is clearly rattled.

Back at the lab she declines a hug from Cam, but she lets Hodgins hug her (LOL at her face!). She heads into her office and sits down on the couch, but she can't because OHAITHEREBOOTH! She freaking sits on him. Hilarious. He jumpes up, they realize who they're looking at and they hug. I love the smile on Brennan's face, because she is exetremly happy to see him. And Booth, well, you you watch, you can see him squeeze her really tight. And then Angela comes in and makes an awkward turtle moment and my heart breaks for Brennan because the look on her face is too sad. D: After Angela leaves, Booth is like a little kid kinda. Think of it this way: "Can we go, please, I'm so bored, please." LOL. Brennan agress, but she must shower first, and Booth needs to shave. NO! SCRUFFY!BOOTH NEEDS TO STAY! POLL TIME!


Voted? Good!

Now we're off to watch Booth and Brennan walk around the fountain of death and talk about why Booth's not wearing his "garish socks or gaudy tie". Oh Brennan, you make me LOL. Booth says to STFU he wants to get back to normal his own way. And then THERE'S BODIES!!! OH NOES! And then we do a really awesome shot where they go underground to the skeletons, and then BAM! THEME SONG!


AND CAROLINE IS HERE TO JOIN THE PARTY! AND SHE DOES NOT APPROVE OF PSYCHICS! SHE HEARD ANONYMOUS SOURCE! Caroline makes my life so much better, for reals. Anyway, she tells them to start digging and she'll get them a warrant. Go Caroline!

Oooooooh, Booth and Avalon together. Let me tell you something, I think Cyndi Lauper is a fierce bitch and she needs to be on here more often. Because, well, she's just awesome!

LMAO at Hodgins who is soooooooooooooo excited to be working again! Of course he would be. That is why I love Hodgins. I want to hug him, a lot. And his abs. Give you three guess which episode is my favorite for Hodgins...

Cam and Booth: GLUG GLUG WOOHOO!!!! Cam, telling Booth about Brennan, saying that she will die of lonliness before she ever trusts again if Booth hurts her, is kinda true. We all know how much it takes Brennan to trust someone. She trusts Booth completely.

MONTAGE! I freaking love Bones montages. They are made of WIN! Watching Brennan and the quints work! It's awesome! And am I the only one who went "awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" when Booth was looking at the newspaper clippings about him and Bones. So sweet! AND HE PUT HIS SOCKS BACK ON!!

ANGST!HOLE is what Michelle and I christened this scene. Poor Brennan, the look on her face when Booth leaves. My heart pactically broke.

LMAO at Sweets. Sweets, what are we going to do with the poor baby duckling? I have no idea. But Hodgins and the brain damage joke was funny, and then Booth hanging up on him, hehe.

AWKWARD! Angela is awkward. I loved it when Brennan told Angela that her work was excellent and she shouldn't feel awkward. THIS is why I love Brennan.

Avalon, Brennan, and Booth in INTERO (because I can't spell the whole word, so sue me). I felt like Brennan was honestly trying to be nice, which was nice to see. We know that she struggles with people skills, and it's nice to see her improve.

OMG! I LOVE THIS SCENE! And let me tell you why. I feel that Angela and Booth have a special bond. Yes, they are friends, but it goes beyond that. They're both the relatively normal ones in the group (besides Wendell) and they bot hhave this unspoken agreement to take care of Brennan. And Angela really cares about Booth and their relationship just makes me smile. That kiss on the forehead, OMG, I practically died, it was so cute. And then Booth holding out his forehead to Brennan and her walking away. TOO FUNNY. Oh, and am I the only one that noticed the scar or something like that on his forehead. Look closely at the right hand side of his forehead:

Still don't see it? How about now?

Michelle and I thought it looked like a scar, maybe from his surgery, but we're not sure? Any ideas?

And now, we're about to the point where I'm tired, so I'm going to gloss.

The rescue scene, I nearly died. "I gotcha baby" *DIES A MILLION TIMES* I had a problem with this scene though, and Michelle did too. Brennan has never acted like this over getting hurt before. The last time we saw her this upset was "Two Bodies in the Lab". She is clinging to him for dear life. I don't know why, maybe she's reassuring herself that he's still there, but it was weird and a touch OOC for me. Not that I didn't like it, but, weird.

Another scene I really liked was when Brennan went to Avalon's house, on the pretense of making sure she didn't rabbit. We all know wht she was there, and the look on her face when Avalon was telling her about Booth, I almost cried. I'm beginning to think that the partner Gordan Gordan and Sweets were talking about in "Cinderella" was Brennan.

Angela telling Hodgins he's the only one that cares about King of the Lab, priceless. Hodgins is like "I don't care anyway".


Overall, I really liked it. It was sweet, funny, and overall perfect. Kudos to HH for making up for the season FAILnale.

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