Review: Bones - S4E25 - The End in the Beginning

May 21, 2009 21:47

Show: Bones
Station: FOX
Timeslot: Thursdays @ 8pm

Episode Title: The End in the Beginning

I never got a chane to do this after the episode aired because I was too busy, and now I have time. I'm going to do this review a little differently because there were just so many great things. I will be doing each character, plus any addictional items I think need talking about at the end.

Brennan: I really liked and appreciated the side of Brennan that Hart showed us in the episode. I firmly believe that what Hodgins was narrating was Brennan's thoughts. This shows that Brennan really does care for Booth, and is scared to admit it as well as scared to feel something for a thing that might not last. She really cracked me up when she said that Gormagon was a stupid name, very ironic. I'm sure I'm not the only one that was snorfling about that.

Booth: GAH! I love Protective!Booth, get me all hot and, well, I'm sure you can imagine where that was going. I love the fact that he was super protective and never believed for one second that Brennan would cheat on him. I loved the fact that he called Brennan "Bren". Made me feel all warm and fuzzy and squeeish inside. And his face when she told him she was pregnant, he was like a little kid on Christmas morning opening a box ot find a puppy, so adorable.

Angela: She was different and yet the same. The line about not having a good memory for faces, made me giggle just a tad. And her aww of Sweets, totally awesome, especially her made up word.

Hodgins: He really cracked me up in this episode, especially the whole bit with the Irish accent.

Sweets: Sweets always makes me smile, no matter what. "I'm practically a psychologist", hehe *pats irony on the head*. And when the Crue was playing, Sweets playing air drums, TOTALLY AWESOME!

Zack & Interns: OMG, ZACK!!! I was so happy to see him, even if it was an alternate universe. And all the squints; Wendell silent and broody (which is a very sexy look for him), VMN like he always is, Clark what he's not (maybe it's a hidden desire?), Daisy, Vaziri, all were excellent, and hey, Vaziri really cleans up nice. My favorite part was Fisher; "I design wings to make people drink more beer... I'm a man on the edge". I loved that line.

Various Other Sundries: OMG the clocks!! Something is fishy, and I shall be onto it! And all the irony! Vinny's comment about Zack being a moron who would go to jail for a crime he didn't commit, priceless.

Overall, despite the fact of feeling cheated and the horrible cliffy ending, this was a very good episode that I would not mind watching over and over again.

Scale of 1 to 10: 10

fandom: bones

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