GIVE AWAY! I am very excited to announce another give away, this time a joint give away between Anne Boleyn: Queen to History and Deri Dolls! The most wonderful and amazing Deri has made a female Tudor doll which I am most delighted to be able to give away. Deri has most kindly given all the details about the stunning doll below
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Includes: Mary Tudor, Elizabeth Tudor, Anne Boleyn, Kathryn Howard, Sir Frances/Mary, Henry/Mary, Henry/Elizabeth, Anne/Elizabeth, Henry/Anne, & Henry/Kathryn
Hey! I just wanted to give a quick plug for a Facebook page that I run. The page is all about Anne Boleyn and the Tudors during the reign of Henry VIII. My page has lots of articles, images, video clips and lots and lots of discussion and comments. It’s a friendly page dedicated to Anne Boleyn and Tudor history. If you are interested please come on
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