Avatar/SGA Fic: "Needs Salt"

Aug 02, 2008 18:26

To my friendslist: this is a fanfic I wrote involving Avatar: The Last Airbender and Stargate: Atlantis. If it seems even geekier than the errata I usually ramble about, that's because you're blind to how awesome both shows are, but I forgive you. Posting it here so's I can show it to any interested parties.

Title: Needs Salt
Author: thetruebard
Artist: pentapus
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Comments 24

trishkafibble August 5 2008, 04:57:27 UTC
Oh, this is PERFECT!!! Why did I not see this before? Avatar: TLA is the perfect analogue to SGA--especially with Ronon as Appa! I actually do this all the time (trying to find analogues to the Team in other shows/fictions), and it never quite works. But this, I can totally see!! Plus, I love that you've given SGA traits to the characters where applicable: Teyla is a perfect Katara as-is, but I like how you've made Rodney a more intellectual version of Sokka, and made John a somewhat more daring and independent Aang. Now I want to see bison!Ronon getting all feisty, though, and going on a rampage! ;P

The pic, as usual with Pentapus, is absolutely awesome, especially the dreadlocked air-bison, and everyone's expressions. Thanks so much to you both!


thiscanbegin August 5 2008, 06:24:59 UTC

Do you mind if I make icons out of the drawing?


pentapus August 7 2008, 00:55:04 UTC
Thank you. You may make icons out of the picture. (You can also add color to it as part of that if you'd like.) Just leave me a link to the results afterwards. :)


thetruebard August 7 2008, 23:42:26 UTC
Thank you!


pinksakuya August 19 2008, 10:24:17 UTC
It's 6:00 am here this morning. And when you start laughing at the ronon-bison that early, its the recipe to a great day.

Thanks for the laugh this morning and what a great fic ^.~

*I wanna ronon-bison icon now >.>*


superstitiousme November 15 2008, 02:54:03 UTC
i can't really explain all the link clicking that brought me here this evening, but all i know is this made my night. maybe my whole weekend, lol.

total brilliance. ♥ ♥ ♥

also, Ronon=glee. GLEE.


hidari_blue March 10 2010, 00:20:16 UTC
NOOOOOOOO. The picture is GONE. This fic is made of WIN. Like seriously, I love how they're all still them, but they're also the Avatar characters. Totally epic.


pentapus March 11 2010, 05:34:08 UTC
Hi, the picture has been moved to here. I forgot to tell thetruebard that things swapped around. (That said, the fic IS the most awesome, so you got the best part of the post. :D)


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