Character(s): Danny Fenton, Allen (if not busy), and possibly anyone walking by.
Content: Danny's never ending search for the elusive Captain.
Setting: Cheap Prayer, below deck
Time: Sunday3, Week3, noon.
Warnings: Nothing yet.
It had been a week so far, that he had first set out in search of the elusive Captain Cross. He was annoyed to find his attempts fruitless. )
Comments 10
There was a sigh after the voice, as the first mate made his way along below deck. He had to find miss Kururu, she'd been stuck down here for quite some time now... "Timcanpi, this isn't helping me find miss Kururu." Allen tried to reach his hand out to grab the golem's tail, before it ended up running into something. The golem bounced off the wall nearby someone's head, and the white-haired teen cringed a little.
"Timcaaaaaaaanpiiii," he sighed again, moving over to scoop the golden ball with wings up into his hands. He hadn't looked up towards the person that he'd nearly hit, not yet anyways, instead remained in a crouch examining the golem with a frown.
So naturally when some crazy golden snitch looking thing came flying two inches from Danny's head and colliding with the wall near him he about jumped clean out of his underwear.
"Gahhh!!" He gasped as he quickly spun around to find the culprit. Instincts told him to vanish right then and there but he stopped himself. He was that it was a guy somewhat close to his age.
"Whoa, Hi, you eh...scared the crap outta me." He tried, scratching the back of his head.
"I'm sorry about that!" was said quickly and just as apologetically as his face, his fingers curling around Timcanpi before the golden ... thing ... could fly and try to smack the black haired boy upside the head with its body as it tried to escape. Allen knew the captain's golem well enough. "Timcanpi is horrible when he's not paying attention, or just trying to run away from me."
"That's alright, I just wasn't expecting ....that." He brought his eyes to the gold looking thing that had nearly impaled him moments before. Timcanpi? Spiffy name, but what the heck was it? Not any animal he's ever seen. Wierd.
Tearing his eyes from "Timcanpi" he looked at the boy. "Hey, I don't suppose you could tell me where the captian is, can you? I've been looking for him for days." He asked remembering his mission
"He's been rather busy lately, I'm sorry. We've been trying to figure out the ... crystal thing." He gave a little shrug, smiling before he finally released the golem, pointing away from Danny and jerking his head back as the creature shot up out of his hands and buzzed around for a moment. "My name's Allen Walker, I'm the first mate. Is there anything I can help you with...?" he drew the sentence out a little, as though waiting for his name.
Ah, This guy was the first mate! This made it a little bit easier! The first mate was just as good as the Captain. Surely he would be able to help with his situation. "Sorry. Name's Danny, and you might be able to help me."
Danny let out a sigh mentally preparing himself for his next sentence. He prayed this wouldn't go like Haruhi had enthusiasticly predicted on the network.
"I'm a stowaway, and I'd like to join the crew."
For a moment longer, Allen is quiet, thinking, before he gives him a slight smile. "Nice to meet you, Danny. Although I'm sure you'll encounter Captain Cross and his mallet for being a stowaway--don't worry, it's not painful, just hindering--I'm quite certain he won't mind another addition. I must ask you, however," he held up his right hand, index pointing upwards. Timcanpi mimicked this motion, lifting its tiny hand up and pointing an even tinier 'index finger' up. "You must be unique, ready to do work, respect the captain and the rest of your crewmates, and be prepared for the ( ... )
Allen seemed to have taken the news rather well. The only thing that slightly unnerved him was the mention of the mallet he had heard of on the network, but Allen asured him it wasn't as painful as he was lead to believe.
When Allen named off the terms of crewmanship he mentally did a check off as well as outloud. "Unique, yeah you could say that, I guess. I'm a very hard worker, and I won't complain about the position you give me, promise. I'll respect the Captian and have already met some of the crew, and I'm prepared to be responsible for any screw-ups I may do in the future."
He felt like he was answering the questions to a resume so he made sure to sound somewhat as professional as Allen did. Hopefully Allen would be satisfied with the answers.
He'd sure as hell do it.
"Here, first order of business as a member of the crew... let's head back above deck. I need to find someone, but she hasn't responded to me yet... I think she might of found her way back up already." He gave a slight nod, the golem atop his head shifting a little in the process.
"Cabin boy's, fine, sir." He answered with a smile.
Danny nodded in response to his first order. He hoped that the girl found her way up. Getting lost on this place didn't seem very fun.
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