Jun 14, 2017 23:29
Hello my lovelies, I hope you're all enjoying your books this month! For a bit of fun, I thought I'd share this book meme that's been going around! I did it on my journal, but I'll share my own answers in the comments here, too. Talk to each other, maybe make some new friends!
Hardback or paperback:Read more... )
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Paperback. I feel like there's something so comforting in a nice wee paperback. I do own a lot of hardbacks, especially special editions, but when it comes to casual reading I always prefer a paperback. (Unless it's A Series of Unfortunate Events in which they're hardbacks but small like paperbacks AND SO PRETTY.)
Borrow or buy:
Buy. I don't use the library these days, and to be honest I like building my own library. If I have a book that I don't like, I pass it on. I tend to pick up books in charity stores, so it's not too expensive; or I get e-books, since I read on my Kindle. Sometimes a cheeky wee download might happen if an e-book is just too expensive.
Fantasy or Sci-Fi:
Maybe fantasy? I've always loved a good fantasy book, but I do love sci-fi too.
Love-Triangle or love at first sight:
Ugh, neither? I like a good progression, someone realising they're in love? Love at first sight is okay, but I think Twilight and The Hunger Games has tired me out on the love-triangle thing.
Wall shelves or bookcases: ( ... )
I prefer my books to be grouped together in series or genre.
Different sized books or matching sizes:
Different sizes! I like the sort of messy look of it.
Wait to marathon a series or read as they’re released:
As released. If a full series is already out, I'll marathon them, but I'll normally read as they're released.
Movie or TV adaptations:
UGH this is such an evil question! It's hit or miss with adaption, regardless of their media. Like, look at The Mortal Instruments - the movie was awful (or so I hear) but Shadowhunters is one of my favourite TV shows! The Vampire's Assistant was a terrible movie, but I think it would make an amazing TV show. I think if a book is a series, then a TV show is best, but a standalone or short series would make okay movies.
Reading indoors or outdoors:
Coffee or Tea:
Bookmarks or random objects to mark your page:
I love pretty bookmarks, but sometimes I'll just grab random objects like envelopes, postcards, etc.
Dog-earing or bookmarks: ( ... )
Borrow or buy: Hoard. I own about 360 books right now, and that's only because I downsized. I used to have well over 500.
Fantasy or Sci-Fi: Gahhh fantasy? I love both so much though!
Love-Triangle or love at first sight: Neither. Insta-love aggravates me, and love triangles are always unrealistic and annoying.
Wall shelves or bookcases: Bookcases, wall shelves, literally any space I can make to put books on.
Bad plot with good characters or good plot with bad characters: Good plot.
Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Harry Potter forever and always.
Booklr or Bookstagram: Bookstagram. I've never heard of BookIr, but IG book accounts are always so gorgeous.
Contemporaries or Fantasy: Right now I'd say contemporaries, but usually fantasy.
English books or books in your native language: English is my native language.
Buy in a bookshop or buy online: Always bookshops!
Amazon or Book Depository: I'm truly a slave to Amazon.
Buy because of the cover or because of the ( ... )
This is me too, but I do love reading outside during the spring/summer months, but I usually do make a little nest for myself :)
English Books or Books In Your Native Language:
Both. If the original language is English I prefer that to a translation, but I read translations too when I don’t want to buy the book or can’t get it in English at the library. If a book is not written in English I will read it in Norwegian, and a do read quite a lot of Nordic literature.
Love Triangle or Love At First Sight:I don’t’ really look for either when reading a book. I tend not to like love triangles because they are rarely written well and just tend to make me angry. I like romance, but I don’t pick up books where that is pain focus (for that I read fanfiction). I like it in the background and don’t take up too much space. I have only ever enjoyed one love triangle Tessa, Jem, Will in The Mortal Instruments series. That triangle worked for me because they all so much love and respect for each other, and there was no fighting over the girl and the boys being all mean towards each other. I don’t believe in love at first sight, and that ( ... )
Borrow or buy: I've started going to the library again after many years of not using it as I moved away from home. But I'll always buy books.
Fantasy or Sci-Fi: I read fantasy more than any other genre. I do enjoy Sci-Fi though
Love-Triangle or love at first sight: I would quite happily never have any romance at all in my books, so neither!
Wall shelves or bookcases: Bookcases
Bad plot with good characters or good plot with bad characters: Definitely good plot. Plot is the biggest deal breaker for me in a novel
Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: I never read Percy Jackson as a teen, so it will always be Harry Potter. I'm currently reading Percy Jackson for the first time though, and really enjoying the series.
Booklr or Bookstagram: Bookstagram, I have an account alongside my blog.
Contemporaries or Fantasy: Fantasy. I don't read a huge amount of contemporary unless it's crime/thriller
English ( ... )
Yesssss. This was such a hard question for me because I've read books that had amazing characters but the plot was eh. I was like butttt the plot is one of those make it or break it things and I prefer a good plot to good characters in the event that we can't have both lol.
Borrow or buy: Borrow. My library's book selection has been on point!
Fantasy or Sci-Fi: Fantasy. Although, I do like sci-fi. If I had to choose, it'd be a fantasy book and a sci-fi movie or TV show lol.
Love-Triangle or love at first sight: I guess love at first sight. I feel like the love triangle has been way overdone right now. Preferably neither though.
Wall shelves or bookcases: Bookcases. I love neat bookcases too.
Bad plot with good characters or good plot with bad characters: This is the hardest question! I'm going to say good plot. I mean, I love good characters, but good characters and a bad plot is just sad.
Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Harry Potter forever <3
Booklr or Bookstagram: I don't know what either of these are, but I'm assuming Bookstagram is an instagram for books app. I post everything on instagram so I don't think I'd need these lol.
Contemporaries or Fantasy: Fantasy. I had to think about this one ( ... )
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