Fic: Anticipation Is Keeping Me Waiting

Dec 17, 2008 18:02

Title: Anticipation Is Keeping Me Waiting
Author Name: Anonymous
Original Prompt Number: 152
Pairing(s): Jack/Ianto
Summary: Jack and Ianto want to have time to themselves over the holidays but Torchwood keeps interrupting. Takes place sometime during S2, prior to Reset.
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: All copyright owned by BBC; written for fun, not profit.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 9200
Author's Notes: Thanks to my terrific betas, K and D.

“You ready?” Jack’s arms circled Ianto’s waist from behind as he lightly pressed his body into Ianto’s. Ianto was standing at a desk in the Hub, typing something hurriedly on the computer keyboard. He wore a slim-fitting charcoal grey pinstriped suit with a deep red shirt and a silvery grey tie.

“Almost done.”

Ianto felt a slight buzz of anticipation in the pit of his stomach. Christmas was coming soon. He and Jack were going to celebrate by going out to a 5-star restaurant for dinner and then to hear some music. The rest of the night was left open. Ianto felt quite a sense of accomplishment that Jack had committed to the evening out. It was like herding cats to get Jack out of the Hub for anything approaching normal social activity.

“Mmmm, is that a new aftershave?” Jack asked, as he nuzzled the side of Ianto’s neck. “Smells nice. Citrusy. And you’re looking particularly edible this evening.”

“Have to compete with those 51st century pheromones somehow. Although it’s really not fair of you to show up in that,” Ianto said, darting an appreciative glance at Jack’s attire.

Nibbling on Ianto’s earlobe, Jack muttered, “Hard to compete, you’re right. But whenever you wear a red shirt, it does magical things to me.”

Jack pushed his hips slightly into the younger man.

“Can’t you tell?”

“What? I don’t feel anything at all,” Ianto said, smirking, as he turned in Jack’s arms. “But can you feel this?” Moving his own hips against Jack’s, he wrapped his arms around the older man and leaned in to give him a kiss. Their lips brushed against each other, and Ianto was just beginning to trace Jack’s lower lip with his tongue when...

“Jack!” Gwen called as she rushed into the Hub through the cog door, klaxons ringing. “Oh, sorry. Didn’t mean to interrupt anything,” she said, giggling, as she realized what was going on. Let’s see, that was six times she’d barged in on Jack and Ianto snogging and five times for Tosh. Not counting CCTV footage. (Not that they were keeping track or anything.) Gwen carefully filed away all the details to tell Tosh later.

Ianto sprang away from Jack, smoothing down his suit jacket, a blush rising to his cheeks. “Nothing to interrupt,” he said nonsensically. Obviously, there was. He was apparently never going to stop being embarrassed when someone caught them at it.

Jack just looked smugly clueless, although he secretly thought Ianto’s blush was adorable. “What’s up, Gwen?”

Noting that Ianto seemed to be strategically placed behind a desk chair, she explained. “Jack, there’s a strange phenomenon happening that we might have to check out. The police are getting reports of a strange growth appearing on the heads of dogs. And on people with black hair,” she said, with a sour look, gesturing to her own head. “But the odd thing is, it only appears outside. When the dog or person goes inside, the growth disappears.” She hurried over to her desk and pulled open a drawer, scrabbling around in its contents. “I think.”

She pulled out a compact mirror and looked at herself in it. “OK. It’s gone,” she said with relief.

As she looked up, she noticed Jack’s attire. “’re wearing...a tuxedo?”

“Yeah, like it?” Jack twirled around with his arms held out, a huge grin on his face. “I don’t think I’ve worn this since 1964. Still fits pretty well, don’t you think? Lucky I still have my girlish figure.”

Gwen was gobsmacked. She’d never seen Jack wear anything but his usual shirt, braces, trousers and occasional waistcoat. He looked like he’d stepped out of a 1930’s movie, as if tuxedos were invented for him. She was a little in awe, mouth gaping.

Gwen looked over at Ianto to gauge his reaction. Ianto was staring at Jack in a reverie of his own, as if Santa Claus himself had just appeared on the invisible lift.

“Wow. Um, you look fantastic. What’s the occasion?”

“Well, we, uh had, a whole holiday evening planned.” Jack grimaced at the realization that their evening plans were probably ruined. “Drinks, dinner, maybe take in some music. Plus I have a surprise planned for somebody.” Jack winked at Ianto. Ianto snapped out of his reverie as yet another flush surprisingly crept up his face. Dear God, he was turning into a 14-year-old girl. Putty in Jack’s hands with a mere wink and the promise of a surprise. He sighed at the impossibility of ever resisting the cheesy charms of Jack Harkness.

“Oh. Sorry. Maybe you can reschedule.” Gwen looked from Jack to Ianto, realizing that Ianto also looked particularly spiffy tonight. She’d always loved that red shirt. And if she wasn’t mistaken, that was a new tie. Oh dear.

“Guess we’ll have to.” Jack looked disappointed. “Maybe we can break out the Benny Goodman later and dance a few swing numbers,” he said cheerily, a smile breaking out on his face. “Wouldn’t want this outfit to go to waste now that I’ve taken the trouble to put it on.”

Ianto looked horrified. “I missed the memo telling me I’d need to wear my sequined gown and high heel shoes tonight,” he muttered acerbically. “We’ll just have to change our plans to another night.”

“Do you havea sequined gown and high heels?” Jack sounded acutely interested.

“Into cross-dressing now, are we?” Ianto asked dryly, yet with a trace of panic darting across his face.

Jack’s expression became wistful. “Well, there was this one time in the prison on Zavalos, I had to spend a whole winter wearing women’s underwear when I lost a bet...”

Gwen interrupted impatiently before Jack could get any farther into his inane story. “OK, let’s talk about this weird growth thing.”

Jack looked slightly peeved at having his tale interrupted. He’d have to tell Ianto the rest later. Glancing at Ianto leaning against a desk with his arms crossed over his chest, in his flattering suit, he got to thinking. Wasn’t there some lacy black lingerie shoved to the back of one of his drawers? Now, whose was that? There was that blonde lieutenant colonel from UNIT a couple of years ago...hmm, how could he get Ianto to try those on?

“Jack.” They were stretchy, so Ianto could probably get them on. And he was sure he had some red lipstick stashed in a drawer somewhere, maybe left over from the same lieutenant colonel. Just the thought was enough to...

“Jack! Jack, are you with us?” Gwen waved her hand in front of his face.

Jack snapped to attention. “Yeah, yeah, sure. Weird red stuff on people’s heads. Tell me more about it.”

Gwen looked askance at him. She’d spent enough time with Jack Harkness to get a good idea of how his mind worked. She just knew he was thinking about Ianto wearing women’s underwear. Good God. She glanced at Ianto, looking very male and sturdy in his suit and tie.

“Well, it’s red. And goopy. And stringy. Like slimy Raggedy Ann hair.”

“Sounds pleasant,” Ianto said.

“Yeah,” Gwen said, with a grimace. “Well, it doesn’t hurt or anything. It’s just...bizarre. And itchy.” She scratched her forehead.

“OK, let’s get on it,” said Jack. “We have to make sure this isn’t something malignant. Ianto, you check the archives for anything similar, and Gwen, see what you can find on the Internet.”

“On it,” Ianto said, as he rushed off to the archives with a last rueful look at Jack resplendent in his tuxedo. That was Torchwood. The best laid plans and all. Still, he’d really been looking forward to the evening and was quite disappointed. He didn’t know if he’d ever get Jack to wear that tuxedo again

“No problem,” said Gwen. “It’s not something I want to experience again, I can tell you. Jack, when are Tosh and Owen coming back from that conference in London?”

“They’ll be back tomorrow afternoon, I think. If we need them, I’ll tell them to leave early. In the meantime, let’s try to get a handle on what’s going on here.”


Later that day, Gwen was sitting at her desk draining a bottle of water. “This is my fifth bottle of water today. Don’t know why I’m so thirsty.” She’d made the mistake of going outside again. Really not a good idea. Traces of red goo remained on her forehead, eyelids and nose, despite a thorough scrubbing, like red fingerpaint staining a child’s hands.

She glanced at the screen that showed local news footage of people scrambling to get inside as their heads sprouted goopy Raggedy Ann mopheads. Dogs ran every which way, rubbing their heads against every available surface to get the red goo off. The news reader reported a bizarre run on bottled water.

“Jack, I think this thing is starting to get out of control. We’re going to have mass hysteria on our hands if we don’t figure out how to get rid of this red stuff soon,” Gwen said. Fortunately, the invasion seemed to be limited to Cardiff, the area closest to the rift.

“Yeah, you’re right. Let’s see if Ianto’s found anything in the archives.”

Just at that moment, Ianto scurried back into the Hub, looking down at a folder in his hands. “I think I found something. In 1958, there was a similar occurrence. Reports of red gooey mopheads appearing on people’s heads. Only those with black hair. And dogs.”

“That sounds like it, doesn’t it? Any explanation?” Jack asked. He’d been out of the country during much of 1958, so he had no direct knowledge of the incident (he had a feeling he’d been in Berlin or Moscow, but he wasn’t quite sure).

“Well, what it really seems like is an alien form of mistletoe,” said Ianto.

“You’re kidding?”

“Nope. Seems to come through the rift every fifty years around Christmas time. Strangely enough, it behaves like earth mistletoe, except it doesn’t grow on plants, just humans and dogs.”

“Do we know why? Or how it grows?” Gwen asked.

“Well, just like terrestrial mistletoe, this alien mistletoe makes its own energy through photosynthesis. It relies on its hosts mostly for water and minerals. It must like black hair because it absorbs more light.”

Gwen caught the drift. “So that’s why it only appears when the hosts are outside. It needs the light!” She took a sip from her water bottle. “And that’s why everyone is so thirsty! The mistletoe is using the water from our bodies and dehydrating us.”

“But how do we get rid of it? Anything on that in the records, Ianto?” Jack asked.

“Unfortunately, the records are somewhat incomplete. There doesn’t seem to be any indication of how they resolved it.”


The next day, Ianto, Jack and Gwen were not much closer to finding a solution to the mistletoe invasion. When Tosh and Owen returned from the conference, the entire team met in the conference room to brief them on the situation. Tosh’s face bore the reddish traces of the mistletoe that had descended upon her as soon as they arrived in Cardiff. Jack directed Tosh to run some diagnostics on how much energy the mistletoe required. Owen was to determine which minerals the mistletoe needed to live and in what quantities.

As the team broke up to work on their tasks, Ianto and Owen stood next to the desks discussing some of the research from 1958. A sudden screech caused Ianto to look up, as Myfanwy swooped gracefully through the heights of the Hub. He realized it was almost time to feed her. As he looked up, he noticed a swag of what suspiciously looked like good old normal, terrestrial mistletoe dangling from a cord holding a light fixture over the desk area. Who the heck had put that there? He suspected Tosh, as it was very close to her desk. She had been very nice to Owen lately, gratuitously bringing him sandwiches and such. Clearly, she was looking for an excuse to snog Owen.

As he talked to Owen, Ianto studiously avoided the tiny spot under the mistletoe. They were standing just a foot or two away from it. It was the principle of the thing. He’d avoided mistletoe with an irrational fervor ever since Sue Knowles, the dorkiest girl in school, had kissed him under the mistletoe at his family’s annual Christmas party and told everyone she was his girlfriend for the rest of the school year. Plus, he didn’t want Tosh or Gwen, or Jack, for that matter, to get any ideas about teasing him into something.

Yet a mischievous thought wriggled into his head. Owen was really getting on his nerves lately. The look on his face would be priceless... Slowly moving just a couple of feet, so Owen would have to move in order to continue their conversation, he maneuvered them into position under the mistletoe.

He stepped forward slightly so he was very close to Owen, and leaning in, said softly, “By the way, Owen, while you were in London, I found some really interesting footage of Gwen and Tosh in the showers on the CCTV, if you’d care to take a look. Remember what happened when Carys was in the cells? I think Gwen wanted a repeat.”

When Owen looked up at him with a stunned, slightly feral expression, Ianto leaned in quickly and kissed him on the lips, even daring to dart his tongue in just a bit. Owen pulled his head back violently, looking dumbfounded. “Ianto! What the hell?”

Laughing like a maniac, Ianto pointed upwards. “Mistletoe!”

Spinning on his heel, he turned and walked away, whistling “Deck the Halls.”

Owen squinted at his back and growled, ”I’ll get you for that, teaboy.” After a beat, he called after him, “Does that mean there’s no CCTV of Gwen and Tosh?”

Owen was more than a little disconcerted by the fact that his pants were unexpectedly tighter.


The next day, the team was hard at work finding a solution to the mistletoe problem. Fortunately, the mistletoe seemed less active when the weather was bad, and it had been raining the last couple of days.

After looking in the archives at some tech that had come through the rift in the fifties, Ianto and Tosh thought they’d found a few items that may have been used for the mistletoe. After taking a look at them, the team decided one in particular looked promising.

It was a clear half-dome topping a one-foot-high platform of a metallic substance inlaid with various buttons and read-outs, about six feet in diameter. A small hole was at the very top of the dome. After putting their heads together for half an hour, Tosh and Jack had it figured out. The device was basically a vacuum cleaner with controls that could alter the atmosphere to suit one’s needs. There seemed to be a component that could change light and another that could control minerals, both elements they would need to attract the mistletoe.

All they needed was a bright, sunny day. In December. In Cardiff.

Despite the odds, they only had to wait a couple of days for the weather to clear, which was a Christmas miracle by itself. They took the alien device to a relatively treeless hill. The team all stood around the dome, looking at each other.

Jack said, “Go ahead, Tosh.”

Tosh approached the dome, and pressed a button. As it powered up, the device made a big whooshing sound and several lights blinked on and off, shining red and blue. The floor of the dome began glowing with a bright white light. As Tosh fiddled with some of the controls, the light increased exponentially and soon a vapor started forming inside the dome.

“That would be the minerals,” Tosh said. “Once the vapor is adequately mineralized, we should start seeing it attract some of the mistletoe. We found out that it transforms into a vapor in order to travel. Theoretically, the device should suck in the vapor and contain it.”

Sure enough, before long, streaks of red, barely visible to the eye, started streaming toward the dome. The dome sucked it in, the vapor inside it first becoming pink, then a deep puce, as it filled with mistletoe vapor. A swirling blur of red slowly took over the sky over the hill. The team’s faces were pink in the reflected light from the giant red cloud boiling above them.

It took about an hour for the sky to clear of the red vapor. As they trundled the dome back to the Hub, Jack told Ianto to be sure and document all the procedures for the next invasion in 2058. They still had to figure out how to deal with the fact that the dome was full of red mistletoe vapor, but they could face that another day.


“Glad that’s taken care of. I was getting tired of Gwen making moonie-eyes from behind a fringe of red goo,” commented Ianto, as he and Jack strolled towards the Millennium Centre. Jack had told everyone to relax for a few hours after the successful vacuuming of the mistletoe. He and Ianto had decided to go to Ianto’s favorite cafe for some well-deserved coffee, and they were now on their way back to the Hub to prepare for their holiday rendezvous.

Jack and Ianto stepped onto the platform of the invisible lift. Jack was thrilled to be taking Ianto out to do normal things. He often felt guilty that Ianto was missing out on the carefree pleasures that 25-year-olds normally engaged in. This was a chance to make up for some of that. He also had a terrific gift picked out that he was sure Ianto would love, as well as a special surprise. They were both looking forward to eating something other than takeout, kicking back and listening to some good music, maybe some dancing. (Only Jack was hoping for dancing; Ianto had no such plans. The only time Jack had gotten Ianto to dance was after he practically force-fed him vodka tonics for several hours.) And then, after the dinner and music...well, the night was young and the morning was far in the future.

“Jack. You know what I’ve always wanted to do?” Ianto glanced sideways at the milling tourists, then back at Jack, a glint in his eye.

“No, what?”

“This.” Ianto hungrily pressed his lips to Jack’s. Jack lurched back in surprise, almost falling off the lift platform. Ianto’s hand brushed teasingly over Jack’s crotch, and Jack sucked in his breath, moaning slightly at the sudden sensation. Loosening the belt and zip, Ianto thrust his hand into Jack’s trousers and gently kneaded his shaft, bringing him to stiff attention.

“Oh, yeah,” Jack gasped. Ianto’s grasping fingers were simultaneously cold and stimulating.

Passersby paid no notice as, behind the perception screen of the invisible lift, hands glided, groped, and rubbed, mouths sucked and moaned. Ianto’s fist pumped up and down as their tongues rolled against each other. He slipped his other hand down the back of Jack’s trousers, cupping his arse. A finger snuck down Jack’s crack and lightly caressed his entrance, causing Jack to whimper and push his crotch up into Ianto’s hand.

“You’re getting kinkier in your old age, Mr. Jones,” Jack managed to croak out.

“No one can see.”

“That’s what you think,” Jack groaned.

Ianto looked alarmed and paused in his ministrations. “What?”

“Just kidding. Don’t stop now,” Jack said, with a hint of desperation.

“OK,” Ianto said, sneaking a look at the people gaping at the water sculpture just a few yards away. The perception filter was impervious to cameras, right? If not, some tourists would be getting an eyeful when they looked at their pictures later. He cautiously kissed Jack again, quickly regaining his prior enthusiasm. His hand slid up and down the silken rod of Jack’s cock, thumb flicking the moistened tip as it reached the top. Jack’s head tipped back and his eyes scrunched up as he grew closer, his hands clutching Ianto’s hips. The idea that someone might see them added a definite frisson of excitement to the proceedings. A few strategic squeezes and deft twists of the wrist by Ianto and Jack came with shudder, his come spurting thickly onto his shirt and Ianto’s waistcoat and trousers. He collapsed against Ianto, embracing him as his head fell onto Ianto’s shoulder.

“Fuck,” he gasped, “you really know how to bring out my inner exhibitionist.”

“Jack. Everybody knows you’d fuck me in the middle of the conference room during a meeting if you could get away with it,” Ianto said grinning, kissing the side of Jack’s face. “And then invite everyone else to join in.”

“Point taken.” Jack smiled lasciviously and lavished Ianto with a sloppy kiss. “I’ll tell you a secret.”

“What?” Ianto asked, somewhat breathless from the kiss.

“I’ve always wanted to do this too. Now, don’t you want to...?” Jack gestured downward and cupped Ianto’s burgeoning erection.

“Nah, we’ll have more time later. Besides, I mainly wanted to see your face as you came in front of all these unsuspecting tourists.”

Jack snorted. “If they only knew. Maybe we could start charging admission.”

Ianto’s eyebrows angled in a warning expression. “Don’t even think about it.”

Looking down at their clothes disgustedly, Ianto said, “I might have to go home and change.”

“OK. I’ll change down in the Hub, and then we’ll nip over to your place. Hang on.”

The stone pavement jerked into motion and the clueless tourists disappeared from view. As they descended on the invisible lift, Jack told Ianto he’d be only a minute.

“I can change quickly, then I’ll be ready to go.” Jack gave him a quick kiss as he prepared to step off. He hesitated when he saw the unusual state of the Hub.

The air was filled with the sound of “Rockin’ around the Christmas Tree.” The floor was littered with silvery tinsel and glittery broken bits of Christmas tree ornaments. As Jack and Ianto took in the scene, an empty beer bottle rolled to the edge of the lift. The place smelled like a pub at closing time. Gwen and Tosh were giggling hysterically about something over on the couch, passing a bottle of wine back and forth. An empty one stood on the floor at their feet. Owen lurched over to Jack and Ianto, the beery fumes of his breath forecasting his presence.

“’Bout time you guys joined us. We’re trimming the tree. Come on.”

Owen pulled Ianto down by the hand and started dragging him closer to the couch, ornament bits crunching underfoot. Next to the couch was a Christmas tree, pathetically leaning against the wall, half in its trunk holder, water sloshed around the floor beneath it. Garlands hung off it, ends puddled on the floor. A few ornaments had managed to make their way to the branches, but many more were still in several boxes haphazardly piled up next to the tree. Great gobs of tinsel hung here and there, as if applied by a 3-year-old.

Jack and Ianto just stared, slack-jawed.

“Looks like you did a great job. You guys work fast. Didn’t we leave here, like, an hour ago?” said Jack.

“Was Owen’s idea,” slurred Gwen. “Said if we’re gonna put up Christmas decorations, we had to get into the Christmas spirit.”

“I didn’t know the Christmas spirit involved getting drunk off your arse,” said Ianto, hands stuffed in his pockets.

Tosh straightened up in an attempt to appear sober and reported, “Jack, I’ve been keeping my eye on the Rift monitor. It’s been completely silent.” Then she burped.

Ianto and Jack looked at each other, resignation on their faces. Ianto looked down at his feet and blew out a gust of air; Jack walked over to him and put his arm around his waist, giving him a little squeeze.

“Someone’s got to keep an eye on the Rift in case the alarm goes off.” Ianto stated the obvious.

“Yeah, I guess these three are out for the count.” Jack put his hands on Ianto’s shoulders, turning the younger man to face him. “Don’t worry,” he said softly, looking Ianto in the eyes. “We’re going to get our holiday date. I’ll make sure it happens.” He scanned the disgusting state of the Hub. “In the meantime, we'd better get started cleaning up this mess.”

“Whadaya mean, mess?” said Owen, stumbling over to join the girls on the couch. “That tree is byoodiful. Besides, loogit you two. Whaz all over your clothes? You’re a mess y’seves.”

Gwen and Tosh suddenly perked up and focused attentively on Ianto and Jack’s appearance, like dogs hearing a silent whistle.

Ianto looked down at his disheveled state and tried to tuck in his shirt better and straighten out his tie. Jack leaned back on a desk, seemingly oblivious to the telltale stains on his clothes.

“Um, we were out for coffee and there was an accident,” Ianto tried to explain. Jack snorted.

“Uh-huh. An’ Tosh ‘ere is an elf. Whadever. I’m off for another beer,” Owen remarked as he teetered off in the direction of the kitchen.


The next night, Ianto opened the door of his flat.


As Jack sauntered through the door, Ianto looked him over, his gaze lingering on the black jeans clinging to Jack’s crotch and hips. Good lord, they might not make it out of the flat.

“Wow, you,...good.” Ianto cringed inwardly at his simplistic phrasing. Jack’s unusual outfit was definitely having an affect on the fit of his own trousers.

“Thought I would wear something different seeing as it’s a special occasion.” Jack took hold of Ianto’s elbows and drew him in for a kiss. Jack had ditched his usual retro gear for a sleek collarless black leather jacket, a deep blue dress shirt with a high collar, and the black jeans. Apparently the tuxedo had gone back into deep storage. Ianto wasn’t going to complain about its absence as long as Jack turned up looking like this. Ianto kept hold when Jack started to pull back and caught his mouth in a languid kiss.

“I like it,” Ianto said when he finally broke off the kiss. “You look positively dangerous. I’m going to have to beat off rivals with a stick.”

He reached down to caress Jack’s arse with his hands.

“I’ve never seen you in jeans before. Quite flattering. I think I’ve been missing out.”

He gave a small squeeze and Jack chuckled.

Ianto fingered the leather on Jack’s arm.

“Did you just buy this? I definitely haven’t seen this before.”

“Special just for you.” Jack kissed him briefly again. “I wasn’t sure how you felt about the tuxedo.”

“Well, you did look like you stepped off a black and white movie screen. Which was good and bad. You don’t really need any help attracting attention.” Ianto started walking back towards his bedroom.

“Maybe save it for the next wedding,” Jack said, as he followed Ianto further into the flat. He wrapped his arms around Ianto from behind and rested his chin on Ianto’s shoulder.

“I’m not sure I want to share you in that tuxedo,” Ianto said as he rummaged in a drawer. “I think you were giving Gwen palpitations when you were wearing it in the Hub. How about a private performance?”

Jack snickered. “Hmmm, very interesting idea. I like it. I’ll brush up on my Cole Porter numbers. Now we just have to get you that sequined gown and high heels and we’ll be a regular Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.”

Ianto just rolled his eyes, and said, “I’ll just be another couple of minutes.”

“Do you want a drink?”

“Sure. Go grab a couple of glasses of whiskey.”

Jack wandered off to get the drinks as Ianto finished getting ready. He had on the same charcoal pinstripe suit that he’d had on a few days before when the alien mistletoe invaded, but this time paired with a black shirt. Silver tie, check. Cologne, check. Cufflinks...oh, had to pick some cufflinks.

When Jack returned with their drinks, Ianto said, “Jack, help me pick out some cufflinks.”

“Oh. Hold on. I’ve got something for you. Sit down over here.” Jack sat down on the bed and patted the spot next to him. Ianto dutifully sat, feeling a hum of anticipation at Jack’s actually giving him a present. There was that 14-year-old girl again, Ianto thought. Although he wished he’d known, as he hadn’t gotten anything for Jack. Jack reached into his jacket, hesitated a moment, looking uncharacteristically uncertain, and pulled out a tiny box covered with red velvet.

He held the box out and slipped his other arm around Ianto’s shoulders, moving closer to him so that their hips and legs touched.

“Happy Christmas. I hope you like them.”

Ianto looked at Jack and took the box, his heart beginning to knock around in his chest.

“Oh. Wow. Umm, I would’ve gotten you something if I’d known we were exchanging gifts.”

The traditions and rituals of Christmas were alien to Jack, as Christmas was no longer celebrated in his time. Although he’d lived on Earth for a very long time, Jack was always at an arm’s remove from the regular ebb and flow of human existence in his adopted time and planet. One never knew what Earth traditions Jack was going to adhere to, leading to Ianto’s awkwardness over not having a gift for him.

But Jack had gotten a gift for Ianto. And Ianto was very pleased. His mouth lifted in a small grin as he looked down at the small jewel box.

Feeling like a child again, Ianto opened the tiny red velvet box. Inside it nestled two shiny silver objects, in which were embedded matte stones of blue veined with just a touch of grey, the blue of a winter sky at twilight.

“To match your eyes,” Jack murmured, rubbing gently up and down Ianto’s arm.

“I..., uhh,” Ianto didn’t know what to say. He felt a flush spreading across his cheeks, and his heart seemed to be doing flipflops. The cufflinks were exquisite, yet not ostentatious. They were perfect.

“Thank you so much,” Ianto said, as he looked up into Jack’s eyes, a few inches away. Ianto closed the gap between them and softly kissed Jack’s lips. “They’re really lovely.”

“Let me put them on.”

Jack took Ianto’s hands in his. He gently undid the cuffs, running his fingers in a light caress around Ianto’s wrists, and then rolling the cuffs up just a bit. Leaning over, he turned Ianto’s left wrist over and kissed the pale and tender underside where the blue veins showed through the skin. He traced the line of the vein with tiny kisses while caressing the middle of Ianto’s palm with his thumb. Ianto’s eyes fluttered and his head fell back a bit as he felt the touch of Jack’s lips on the sensitive skin.

Jack’s tiny kisses became open-mouthed, suckling and lapping at Ianto’s wrist. He rubbed small circles in Ianto’s palm with his thumb, massaging the mounds and plains of his hand. Ianto’s eyes closed in pleasure.

Jack’s kisses moved up to the pad of Ianto’s hand, which he nipped very gently. Sucking at the thumb pad, Jack massaged Ianto’s fingers and softly nibbled his way up to Ianto’s thumb. Lightly scraping the tip with his teeth, he took the thumb into his mouth and swirled his tongue around it as his lips sucked. Ianto leaned his head on Jack’s shoulder and kissed his neck behind the ear before pulling the other man into an embrace.

“These,” Jack gave Ianto a soft kiss on the left side of his mouth, “will,” a soft kiss on the other side of his mouth, “look,” another kiss in the center of his mouth, “gorgeous on you.” Jack kissed Ianto full-on, gently yet unreservedly pressing his whole mouth against the younger man’s. He moved his lips just a bit against Ianto’s and Ianto responded by opening his lips and darting his tongue into Jack’s mouth.

Looking into Jack’s eyes, he said, “Thank you for the wonderful gift.”

Jack gazed at him intently, and whispered, “I just wanted to show how much I love you.”

Ianto’s heart skidded to a stop. He’d never expected to hear those words from Jack. He was fairly sure of the feelings Jack had. But things tended to remain unspoken in their relationship. The stress of daily life at Torchwood often shunted everything else aside. There were too many issues between them that had never been worked out: Ianto’s betrayal with Lisa, Jack’s leaving with the Doctor, Jack’s intense relationship with Gwen. It was really too much to deal with. So they just carried on, enjoying each other’s company and providing comfort when needed, but never defining their relationship in any particular way.

Yet Ianto loved Jack, too. He loved the Captain with an intensity that frightened him. Although given the extremes he had gone to for Lisa, it shouldn’t have been a surprise. After the whole Lisa debacle, Jack and Torchwood were what saved him, the thing he lived for, his lodestone. If Jack ever disappeared again the way he did after Abbadon, Ianto wasn’t sure how he’d survive.

And now, along with the cufflinks, Jack was giving him his heart. Ianto’s chest felt like it was going to burst. He returned Jack’s gaze, equally intent.

“I love you too.”

Jack looked into Ianto’s eyes and his expression altered slightly, his eyes and mouth changing fractionally as he absorbed the words. He pulled Ianto into a crushing embrace that was returned with a bruising kiss. The momentousness of actually saying those words brought all the intensity of their past relationship to the fore in a surge of emotion. Their lips frantically pressed against each other, riding the wild wave of feelings that had been unleashed. Desperate to get as close as possible, Jack pushed Ianto back onto the bed, shoving the younger man’s jacket back off his shoulders, and pulling his own off with abandon as he straddled Ianto’s legs.

Jack undulated his hips and Ianto responded in kind. His entire body writhing against his lover’s, Ianto claimed Jack’s mouth in another passionate kiss.

Just as Jack was enthusiastically sucking on Ianto’s tongue, the perky tones of Glen Miller’s “In the Mood” chirped from the top of Ianto’s dresser. Jack and Ianto lay immobilized on the bed, staring at each other in horror.

“Jack, it’s your damn phone.”

“I know that.”

“Well, you’d better get it,” Ianto snapped.

Jack stared at Ianto, then his face fell into a resigned expression and he reluctantly got up and grabbed the phone.

Jack flipped open his phone. “This better be good,” he barked. “Hmm-mm. OK. Gotcha. Yeah, he’s here. Your timing sucks, by the way. We’ll meet you there.”

He snapped the phone closed.

Jack sighed. “Twirling killer Christmas trees. At the mall. We’re meeting everyone else there.”

“Bloody hell.”

“My thoughts exactly.”


By the next day, Christmas Eve, the twirling killer Christmas trees were sorted. They had to take out the big guns, but it worked in the end. It was late afternoon and Jack had sent Gwen, Tosh and Owen home, hopefully through the holiday. Ianto was busy cleaning up the big guns, and had them laid out on the floor of the Hub.

Jack came up to Ianto from behind, and enveloped him in an embrace.

“Ready for another go at our holiday date?”

Ianto straightened up and turned around in Jack’s arms, quirking his eyebrow.

“Are you sure? Every time we try to do this, something comes up.”

“Hey, it’s Christmas Eve. The only thing that could come up is you, hopefully,” Jack quipped, as he snaked his hand between Ianto’s legs.

“Jack, you of all people should know that aliens don’t celebrate Christmas.”

“Who says? Who do you think those Magi were anyway? They seemed awfully familiar with the stars. And angels? Beings flying around with wings in the air with circles over their heads? If that’s not an alien, I don’t know what is.”

Ianto chuckled, “OK, maybe you’re right, who knows? Anyway, we may as well go ahead, tomorrow is Christmas, after all. What have we got to lose?”

“Damn straight. Go home and get on those cufflinks.”


So far, so good. Ianto leaned back in the green leather banquette, a martini on the small table in front of them. (Dry, with a twist.) Jack was nursing a beer. A woman dressed in a long white glittering gown was singing on the compact stage, backed by a small jazz combo, her shoulder length blonde hair styled like a 40’s movie star. The stage was lit up with red and white fairy lights for the holiday, and swags of evergreens lined the bar. Couples and small groups of friends filled the club, their pleasant babble a backdrop to the music, the holiday providing an extra zing to the evening.

Jack’s head bobbed slightly in time to the music, and he tapped a toe to the syncopated beat. He and Ianto sat pressed together, shoulders, hips and thighs touching. Jack reached over and grazed his hand along the top of Ianto’s thigh, casually coming to a rest near his crotch. Ianto’s new blue and silver cufflinks caught the light as he reached for the long stem of the martini glass. He took a sip, savoring the bitter liquor, and letting its relaxing heat seep through his veins.

Jack put an arm around him and kissed him on the temple. “I hope you like this.”

“I do. I’ve never been to a place like this before. This isn’t really my kind of music, but I’m enjoying it. And I like that you like it.” Ianto smiled and put his hand on Jack’s thigh. He wasn’t entirely comfortable with such public displays of affection. But the presence of a few other same-sex couples made it a little easier. He assumed Jack picked this place partially because of its mixed clientele, knowing that would make Ianto more comfortable and at ease.

Emboldened by the liquor, Ianto kissed Jack full on the lips, wrapping his hand around the back of the other man’s neck, and putting some feeling into the kiss. Jack hungrily returned the favor.

Breaking away from the kiss, Ianto said softly, “This has been a great evening. Dinner was fantastic.” They’d had dinner at a sushi bar where Jack knew the chef. They’d sat at the bar for what seemed like hours, drinking sake and eating unusual kinds of sushi specially made for them by Jack’s friend. By the end they were greeting incoming customers like they owned the place.

“Hey, it’s not over yet,” Jack said, with a lopsided grin. “I’ve got plenty more surprises.“ With that, he shrugged off his leather jacket, got up and sauntered in the direction of the stage. Ianto sat mute with trepidation, slightly afraid of what Jack might be getting up to.

Before Ianto could take in what was happening, Jack leapt up to the little stage and said something softly to the singer and the musicians, whom he clearly knew. The singer nodded and glanced over to Ianto, giving him a little smile, and announced, “Let’s give a big welcome to my old friend, Jack Harkness.”

The audience looked slightly mystified, clapping desultorily, but the holiday mood kept the room buoyant. Jack grabbed the microphone from the stand in a surprisingly practiced manner.
and gave Ianto the patented white and sparkly Harkness smile followed by a wink. The bottom of Ianto’s stomach dropped out and sweat bloomed on his upper lip. Oh, God.

“I’d like to sing a little Christmas song. OK, boys, hit it,” Jack said, as he turned to the band.

The drummer started up a slow jazz beat, which was taken up by the bass and then the piano. Jack started singing in a clear tenor.

The tree is all trimmed now,
The fireplace is aglow,
And outside quiet streets,
Are all covered with snow,
So darling let me tell you,
On this day of days,
Baby, you're my Christmas present,
My Christmas past, my Christmas always.

Jack looked right at Ianto as he sang, causing Ianto’s face to burst into flame. Ianto drained the rest of his martini in one gulp and frantically looked around for the waitress to bring him another one. Beyond the complete horror of Jack jumping up on a stage in front of a room full of people and dedicating a song to him, the most shocking thing was that Jack had a wonderful voice, vibrant and melodious.

So on this silent night,
Let me hold you tight,
And make you know just how good love can be,
There's no gift of hope,
And no treasure untold,
That's as precious as you are to me.

Ianto looked down at his drink to avoid looking at the other people in the club. But Jack’s voice held him rapt, and Ianto couldn’t help but be drawn in by the spectacle of the performance. Ianto knew Jack liked to be the center of attention, but where had he gotten his performing chops? He was really good. Ianto was beginning to think Jack was hiding yet another lifetime spent as a professional singer. The man held an infinity of pasts and futures in one package.

The stars twinkle on high,
Our world is so fine,
And I wish you Merry Christmas,
And as you pour the wine,
For you, this toast my darling,
As my glass I raise,

Jack closed his eyes as he sang and was clearly enjoying himself. Despite his self-consciousness, Ianto appreciated Jack’s good intentions and was actually getting a kick out of the song. Leave it to Jack to do something completely cheesy like this. No one had ever got up on a stage and sang a song to Ianto in his life. Probably never again, either, for that matter.

Baby you're my Christmas present,
My Christmas past, my Christmas always.
You're my Christmas always.

As Jack ended the song, he replaced the microphone on its stand. The audience seemed appreciative and there were even some calls for another. The singer announced that they were taking a brief break until the next set. Jack gave a wave to the audience and hopped down from the stage to return to their table, a big grin on his face.

As Jack sat back down, he claimed Ianto’s mouth in an energetic kiss and embrace. A few whistles rang out around the room, renewing Ianto’s shyness. But along with that feeling was an abiding tenderness for Jack, who was certainly one-of-a-kind. Thinking of the cufflinks and the evening they’d shared, Ianto couldn’t help but feel loved and cared for, which was a godsend in the kind of life they led, in which they lived day by day, never knowing whether they’d survive until the next. Not to mention watching Jack die, repeatedly and unexpectedly, always with the fear that he wouldn’t reawaken. Sometimes it was all too much, but Ianto tried to avoid thinking about it. It was times like this that made it all worthwhile. He returned Jack’s kiss with fervor, his consciousness now focused solely on this man that he treasured above everything else. The rest of the room fell away as he became lost in the kiss.

As they broke off, Jack grinned again, resting his forehead against Ianto’s. “So...did you like it?”

Ianto grinned back, resting his hands on Jack’s shoulders. “Yeessss, I liked it. But you knew that would embarrass me.”

“I have to admit, that was part of the fun. Sometimes you’re too easy to tease. Consider it part of your Christmas gift. I wanted to give you something unique.”

“Yeah, well, that was unique all right.”

“Oh come on, you loved it.”

Ianto just gave him a big smile and another kiss.

“Come on, the evening’s not over yet,” Jack said, grabbing Ianto’s hand and pulling him up. “Let’s get out of here.”

“Where are we going?” Ianto asked.

“You’ll see.” Jack waggled his eyebrows.


Ianto lay with his head on Jack’s stomach, the fire crackling and spreading dancing tendrils of light up the walls. As his fingers delicately traced Jack’s thigh, Ianto thought he could hear faint gurgling in Jack’s stomach. Eggnog, mmm... A faint drop of it glistened on the inside of Jack’s thigh. Ianto leaned over to lick it up, tongue darting down to the smooth skin and lapping up the creamy liquid.

His mind wandered back to the last few hours. From the club, they’d gotten in the SUV and Jack drove about an hour up the coast, refusing to tell Ianto exactly where they were going. When they’d stopped, Ianto could smell the sea spray and hear the waves crashing on the beach nearby, but Jack immediately tied a handkerchief around his head to blindfold him. Ianto had protested, but Jack insisted it was all part of the fun. Jack led him inside, onto a lift, down a hallway, and into a room.

Ianto could smell evergreens, wood smoke, and a hint of cinnamon. He could hear baroque music playing softly, the hiss and sputter of a fire and the rustle and slip of Jack’s coat as he took it off. He felt Jack’s hands slide around his neck, Jack’s hot breath on his lips and the warm touch of the other man’s mouth on his own. Jack lifted off Ianto’s coat and he heard the thwump as it landed somewhere. Jack took his hand, led him across the room, and sat him down on some soft upholstery.

“I’ll take the blindfold off in just a minute. Sit here and wait. I’ll be right back.”

Ianto heard Jack walking away, his footsteps muted by thick carpeting. He heard the swish of cloth and Jack moving around.

“OK, here we go.” Ianto could hear Jack scrambling away after he untied the blindfold.

Ianto removed the blindfold and blinked in the sudden light, taking in his surroundings. Everything was extremely comfortable, thickly plumped and upholstered in white, with highlights of gold strategically placed around the room. A Christmas tree sparkled in the corner, and, sure enough, a fire hissed in the fireplace. It looked like a luxurious hotel room. On the coffee table was a pitcher of what looked like eggnog. In front of the fireplace was an utterly cliché white bearskin rug.

Upon which Jack laid on his stomach, completely naked, his arms crooked and chin resting in his hands, looking up at Ianto with a winsome expression. Ianto laughed softly as his gaze swept over Jack’s form, lingering on the pert mounds of his arse.

“Very nice, Captain Harkness. Or is that Captain Beefcake?”

“Just Jack to you. Get on over here, Mr. Jones, so we can get you out of those clothes.”

“Yes, sir,” Ianto said in rough voice, as he got up and walked over to the rug, never taking his eyes off of Jack, heart racing.


Apparently the eggnog wasn’t just for drinking.

Thick and creamy, the eggnog coated Jack’s dick. Ianto’s tongue touched it, licked it off, lingering on the taut flesh. Eggnog, cold and spicy, dripped off a hot, swollen cock. Lips kissed and sucked it off, traveled down to Jack’s balls, licking, slurping, cock and balls sticky, delicious, sucking the sweetness. Ianto’s mouth traveled back up the velvety rod, savoring the texture, his tongue smoothing the rich ivory liquid over it. Jack’s hips pushed up into Ianto’s mouth, and his head turned to the side, eyes closed in concentration, as a low moan escaped his lips.

Ianto swirled his tongue over the tip of Jack’s cock, dipping into the slit, the salt mixing with the sweet. He took the whole head in his mouth, tongue and lips producing a delightful suction that made Jack groan in pleasure. He loved the way Jack’s dick felt in his mouth, filling it completely, the thrumming solid warmth of it. Watching Jack writhe and whimper because of what Ianto was doing to him; remembering how it felt when Jack did the very same things to him.

Ianto picked up the tempo of his ministrations, fondling Jack’s balls and caressing his upper thighs. Jack’s hands were clenched in Ianto’s hair.

“Oh, baby...”, Jack grunted out, getting closer.

Ianto increased the pressure on Jack’s cock, mouth and fingers squeezing and pulling with more determination, Jack’s breath growing ragged and uneven. Ianto reached up and glided his fingers over Jack’s nipples; Jack groaned and came in his mouth, his hands pushing on Ianto’s shoulders, his back arched, the hot come filling Ianto’s mouth, his hands roaming over Jack’s chest as the other man subsided into a boneless lump.

Jack brought Ianto up to kiss him fiercely, the taste of the come lingering in Ianto’s mouth as their tongues slid against each other.

“The things you do to me,” Jack whispered into Ianto’s lips.

Ianto grinned as he dropped kisses along Jack’s jaw and nuzzled his ear.

“I never really appreciated eggnog before,” Ianto murmured into Jack’s neck. “I don’t think I’ll ever think of it the same way again,” he said, with a soft laugh.

“Mmmmm,” Jack replied, mouth in Ianto’s hair, hand gliding over the younger man’s rounded arse in lazy circles.

“Thanks for this evening,” Ianto said, hands smoothing back Jack’s hair as he gave him a languid kiss.

“You’re welcome. And you haven’t even seen the bedroom yet,” Jack said, kissing Ianto on the forehead. “Or the bathroom. It’s got a Jacuzzi you wouldn’t believe.”

“We’ve got all night. We can try out every room.” Ianto laughed happily at the thought and rubbed his still-hard cock against Jack’s hip.

“But first, I‘ve got something else.” Jack hopped up and went over to his coat and pulled out a small tube decorated with candy canes and a foil condom packet.

Ianto looked at them as Jack handed them over. “Peppermint lube? Really?” He chuckled.

“Yep. Special for Christmas.”

“OK, sounds, ummm, interesting.” Ianto quirked his eyebrow skeptically.

“Oh, it will be,” Jack said, lying back down on the rug.

He leaned in to give Ianto a hot kiss. Breaking open the foil packet, he carefully extracted the condom. Running a hand lovingly up and down Ianto’s cock, he took one slow lick up its length before engulfing the head in his mouth. Hissing his appreciation, Ianto thrust forward into Jack’s mouth, his eyes darkening with desire, eyelids at half-mast.

Pulling his mouth away from his cock, Jack fervently kissed Ianto on the lips again before slowly unrolling the condom onto him, kneading with his fingers as he slipped it downward. Mewling with need, Ianto rolled his hips to capture more of the tantalizing feel of Jack’s whispering fingers. Jack’s hands grasped and slid along the firm flesh as he spread the minty lube, slipping fingers down occasionally to stroke Ianto’s balls.

By now, Ianto was practically whimpering with the need to feel that exquisite tightness envelope him. He shoved Jack onto his back, grabbed the lube from him, and squeezed some onto his own hand to prepare him. When Jack was ready, Ianto pushed into him.

“Fuck,” Ianto moaned, face contorted with the pleasure of candied and pink-swirled friction. The peppermint was a sweet heat smoothing his way into Jack’s arse. Jack trembled as Ianto rocked into him, slowly, then more desperately, the tempo gradually becoming frantic. The room filled with the sound of panting, the slap of skin on skin. Crying out with each thrust, Ianto buried his face in Jack’s shoulder, as Jack let go low throaty sounds, mouth latched onto Ianto’s neck and nails digging into his back, clenching around the cock thrillingly deep inside him. Jack shifted his hips to allow Ianto’s strokes to hit just the right spot.

With a sob, Jack finally gave in to his mounting orgasm, letting it all go as Ianto slammed into him. The aroma of peppermint mingled in the air with the tang of sex and Ianto exploded into Jack with his own release, before they collapsed into a sweaty, wordless embrace.

Recovering his breath, Ianto rested his head on Jack’s chest, caressing Jack’s stomach and curling one leg over Jack’s. Jack wrapped his arm around Ianto, letting the relaxing warmth of Ianto’s body flow into him.

“How about we drink some of the eggnog now?” Jack suggested.

“Oh, you mean you’re supposed to drink that stuff? I had no idea.” Ianto smirked. “Actually, that sounds good. I’ll get some.”

“Good, because I can’t move.”

Ianto swatted Jack lightly, untangled himself and went to get them a couple of glasses. They lay in front of the fire, listening to music, relaxing, limbs entwined and hands caressing. A few dribbles of the eggnog went astray, but were quickly lapped up by venturing tongues.

Before the night was over, they’d tested out the Jacuzzi and finally made it to the bedroom where they slept, eventually. Snuggling in the comfortable bed, Ianto gazed at Jack’s face in the moonlight. It was rare for him to witness Jack sleeping. He fell onto the pillow with a contented sigh before continuing the best night’s sleep he’d had in months.


The next morning, Ianto was pouring their coffee, disappointed with the coffee-making set-up but hoping the results were acceptable, when Jack’s phone rang.

Ianto gave Jack an apprehensive look. “I guess you’d better answer that.”

Jack sighed and hauled himself up. “Yep.”

After a brief conversation, Jack rang off and said, ”According to Owen, there’s something floating around the Plas claiming to be an angel, and we’ve got to check it out.”

“Really? I thought you said aliens don’t celebrate Christmas.”

“It must have been drawn by the overpowering scent of peppermint. I hear aliens are fond of peppermint. Clears the sinuses after space travel. At least, the ones that have sinuses.”

Ianto chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Jack’s waist. “How long do you think we can put that off?”

“Mmmm, sounds benign, maybe a couple of hours. So we’d better get busy,” Jack said, as he grabbed Ianto with a hungry kiss, pushed him in the direction of the kitchen and pounced. “I’m not sure we made it to the kitchen last night. Let’s test out the kitchen table.”


In the meantime, an unearthly rendition of “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing” serenaded central Cardiff, sung in the inimitable harmonies of the Zaracrucian galaxy. Fortunately, the only terrestrial creatures that can hear Zaracrucian music are dogs. Unfortunately, Zaracrucian music is the canine equivalent of nails scratching a chalkboard. The poor dogs, who only recently had recovered from the mistletoe invasion, set up a doleful wailing that would forever go down in Cardiff history as the great Christmas barkathon.

All while Jack and Ianto enthusiastically anointed the hotel room’s kitchen table, which turned out to be quite sturdy.

”You’re My Christmas Present”, music and lyrics by Joe Rock and Jimmie Beaumont, originally performed by Jimmie Beaumont and the Skyliners.

holiday!bang 2008, fic, rating: nc-17

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