The Stopwatch: The First Ever Jack/Ianto Fic Exchange

Mar 18, 2008 21:48

Say What?
Yes, you read that right. The Stopwatch is a newly inaugurated community, made specifically to bring you the first ever Jack/Ianto Fic Exchange.

What exactly is a fic exchange, you ask? There are several different types of fic exchanges, but for our purposes, we will abide by the Secret Santa method. This exchange will allow you to sign up and make a request for specific themes, scenarios, kinks, and all things Janto related that you want featured in a fic and another writer will then take those requests and create a masterpiece. For you. That's right - you get to have your very own anonymous slave writer ;). Inversely, because this is an "exchange," you will also be assigned another author's request, where YOU will be the one to create a masterpiece for them based on what they have written down. In the end, our goal is to have a whole slew of Jack/Ianto fics that our fandom can enjoy. We are aiming to have at least 31 authors participate in the fest, which would give us at least one new (quality) fic every day for a month once the exchange fics get posted.

This will be an anonymous exchange. Meaning, although you will know who you will be writing for, you will not know the identity of the one writing for you until the end of the fest. All authors and betas will remain anonymous until the final reveal.

Fic exchanges have been integral in bringing quality fics to several other fandoms in the past few years. While I know that our fandom is still quite young, I also know that our fandom contains some of the most talented and most prolific writers there are. The possibilities are  truly endless and there are certainly no limits to what we can create, write, and accomplish. If that's not reason enough, well, just think: at the end of all of this, there's going to be thirty one days of pure, unadulterated, sexy Jack/Iantoness in the form of angst, fluff, porn, romance, tragedy, and more.

All right, then. When?
Sign-Ups for the fic exchange will be open from today, March 18, 2008 to March 29, 2008. Assignments will then be given out no later than April 12, 2008. Your final draft will be due on July 20, 2008. Fic posting will begin on August 01, 2008 and will run until August 31, 2008. The final reveal will then be posted a week later.

General Rules
Before committing to this exchange, please head on over to
r_becca 's journal and read her Guide in Participating in Fic Exchanges to get a clearer view of what, generally, will be expected from a fic exchange participant.
  1. The fanfic should be at least 2000 words in length. There is no maximum cap, so please, feel free to write 70 000 words, if you so desire. Your fic should be free of grammar and spelling issues, and you must avail the services of a beta reader.
  2. Please put some effort into your gift. You are not expected to write the next Great Janto Classic of All Time, however, you are expected to put forth your best effort. No one will be turned down for quality issues, but expect us to be critical of your rough draft before we post your fic.
  3. Write your fic based on the assignment given to you. No switching prompts on us, please! If there are any issues with your assignment, please don't hesitate to email us BEFORE the deadline.
  4. Your fic should not be a part of a previously written series or a sequel. It must stand alone.
  5. Please submit your fic on or before the stated deadline (July 20, 2008). Submission guidelines and information will be posted once the assignments have been dropped off.
  6. Please do not post your fic anywhere (including your journal) until after the reveal to keep the identities of the authors anonymous and to keep the spirit of the exchange.
Sign-Up Guidelines
Please read the following very carefully before committing to the exchange. If you have any further questions about the exchange, please email
  1. To sign-up for rhe exchange, please join the community and fill in all of the required fields. This means that unless a field says "optional," you are required to fill it in.
  2. You MUST indicate when your birthday is if you are turning 18 before August 01, 2008. No one under the age of 18 can write or receive NC-17 work. This does not mean that you cannot participate in the exchange - it just means that you cannot write or receive a gift that is rated NC-17. We apologise for this inconvenience, but with the random LJ pogroms, this is meant only as a means to cover our arses.
  3. Please ensure that you have a working email address as mod correspondences and assignments will be sent via email.
Ready to Sign-Up Yet?
If you've read through this entire post (I commend you, I must say XD), and if you are ready to sign up, please follow this link.

Sign-Up for The Stopwatch Exchange!

How can I help?
In order for this exchange to be a success, we need to have the participation of as many Jack/Ianto writers in the fandom. Please help us spread the world by linking back to this community. Text links and banner codes can be found here.

summer round 2008, admin, info

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