
Dec 01, 2011 22:50

Characters: Luke Skywalker, Cpt. Jack Harkness, and unnamed gang NPCs.
Location: Coruscant Lower City - Park Space Horenth-78
Planet: See above
When: Backdated to late Saturday night/early Sunday morning during the riots.
What: Surviving! :D!
Rating: PG-13? Will change if it does.
We have all survived crash landings/wandered here and invented plausible pasts/every so often one of us will slip up )

torchwood: jack harkness, star wars: luke skywalker

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Comments 14

Hee set up is wordy! dinos4breakfast December 2 2011, 04:33:24 UTC
Jack's original intention had been to help protect other off-worlders from the riots. It seemed a noble cause, what with being an off-worlder himself, and truth be told he wanted to make sure his skills were still where he left them. The only fighting he'd recently done was in cantinas, and they tended to end relatively quickly. He missed the good old days of weevil hunting the streets of Cardiff with Ianto. He also missed the feeling of doing something good for the world he lived in ( ... )


sand_wormie December 2 2011, 04:53:12 UTC
There was sound. Luke tensed and crouched in the shadow against the wall of the shack, watching a man appear and stop under a light not that far away, opening his coat... He didn't seem to be part of the knotted-stripe gang, but he was armed ( ... )


dinos4breakfast December 2 2011, 05:53:14 UTC
Jack's immediate response was to draw and aim a blaster at the sound. Especially with the knowledge that something was wrong with him, again, he would take no chances. If he couldn't be killed off the first time he was mortal, he sure as hell wasn't going to die in an unknown universe.

He located Luke's form and took in the rifle pointed to the ground. Something about the kid seemed familiar and he wasn't dressed as a gang member, but once again, no chances would be had. Jack's only change in demeanour was taking his finger off the blaster trigger and resting it against the length of the weapon instead.

"What do you want, kid?" He said, voice deep. He was going more for authoritative than intimidating, but really either worked for him right now. As long as he kept his fear in check and didn't panic, he could work his way through this and get to safety. If he could survive an entire car ride being held hostage and threatened by the only woman on Earth he cared for, he could survive Coruscant. This planet had nothing on her.


sand_wormie December 2 2011, 06:04:28 UTC
The man aimed at him. Luke's fingers twitched, but he was calm even as he felt himself start sweating again. Someone had to not escalate this. Did he look...?

"Nothing." He enunciated it carefully, evenly, and his voice didn't break. "Just saying, there's people after me, you might want to go."


dinos4breakfast December 2 2011, 07:43:53 UTC
Jack slowly lowered his weapon but kept it in his hand. The kid was incredibly calm and it both impressed him and made him weary. Impressive that he could make his voice so even and stay his ground at such a young age without flinching, and weary because that meant this kid must be no stranger to violence and blasters. Which meant he might be involved in the gangs.

"We have something in common, then," Jack replied. "There's people after me as well."

He peered into the darkness, trying to make him out better in the dim light. "Do I know you?"


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