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open } { the havelle roadhouse ; sat. afternoon - on. im_apimp November 19 2011, 16:31:08 UTC
[Has Alec waxed poetic on how much this sucks yet? Because it really, REALLY sucks ( ... )


incaution November 20 2011, 05:10:42 UTC
[Jo's in the middle of patching up a mom and her kids that were caught in the middle of things, and she's working on being as gentle as possible with the youngest kid when Alec stumbles through the door. She glances over her shoulder and curses under her breath, which causes the kid with her to giggle.

She has to finish the job quickly, and does so as neat as possible, and shouts out orders for the kid's mother on how to finish things up as she hurries over to Alec's side.

Oh, there sure is blood here.]

I thought I told you to stay outta trouble.

[Her tone is harsh, but laced with concern and upset. She's not a trained doctor or anything, all that she knows is from years and years of patching up hunters that stumbled through the front doors of her mom's place.

She guesses this isn't all that different in the end. So she moves to support him under the arm and lifts him up, having him rest up against her.]

C'mon, I'm gonna get you fixed up.


im_apimp November 20 2011, 05:25:11 UTC
Tell that to the three assholes who jumped me.

[oh, yeah. prepare for that lovely increase in language. Alec was not a happy kitty.]

I'm ... pretty sure I'm fine. Most of the wounds are superficial, it's just that there are many of them.

[a small twist that makes him wince]

And I think one of them might have cracked a rib.


incaution November 20 2011, 20:18:38 UTC
If I told those dicks anything, it'd be with a blaster. [She huffs, annoyed with the fact that so many people she cares about are getting severely hurt. WHY CAN'T THEY ALL BE HER AND STAY SAFE???]

I'll bandage up what I can, but I'm not gonna be able to help with the ribs too much. [Other than using more bandages, of course.

She carries him as best as possible on over to one of the cots she's set up, and has him sit down, before she goes to grab some supplies from her first aid kit. She returns with bandages and alcohol.]

Drink this and it'll help some with pain. [And if not, she has basic pain killers that he can mix with the alcohol to form a nice cocktail.]


im_apimp November 20 2011, 21:40:17 UTC
Yeah, well -- two of them aren't going to be telling anyone anything for a long time.

[once he's sitting, he's slipping his jacket off so he can get a better look at things, followed by his shirt. This kid? Not body shy. He looks up when she brings over the bottle, before shaking his head]

I've got a high tolerance for pain and a higher ...

[then he considers it for a moment, before shaking his head and taking the bottle back]

Never mind. In the shape I'm in, I might actually be able to get drunk.

[funny the way the world works. As far as holes go, he's got one in his shoulder, a nice gash in his side, and some pretty heavy bruises. He takes a sip of the booze, wincing at the burn, before turning it on the hole in his shoulder]

I don't need my immune system getting the better of me either.


incaution November 20 2011, 22:05:02 UTC
[She doesn't blink an eye at the fact he's clothed one second and then topless the next. It helps her focus on cleaning out the injuries, and since Alec is a guy, she's not necessarily gentle as she pours more alcohol over the injuries on his shoulder and side.

She can tell he was shot with a blaster and therefore doesn't have to worry about digging out bullets. So instead she just worries on keeping him focused on her instead of his injuries and whatever pain he's feeling.]

Nice wince, for having a high pain tolerance.

[She pokes fun of him on purpose, hoping to bait him into an argument or something that will distract him, since she's gearing up to wrap bandages around his side, and that's not going to feel very good at all.]


im_apimp November 20 2011, 22:33:43 UTC
[There's a bit of a look at that]

I've had a hell of a lot worse than this. And I've been patched up in worse conditions.


sunday morning spncrazyfan December 2 2011, 02:51:47 UTC
[she had curled up in a corner, but as morning came, she groaned and got up. She needed coffee. Or a Red Bull. Mmm, Red Bull. What was the Star Wars equivalent to Red Bull?

She stumbled her way over to the bar, trying to see if she could find something to drink. She would pay Jo back later, obviously. But all she could find was alcohol.

Sighing in frustration, she turned to look around and saw a familiar face and walked over]

Deam, do you know if Jo has any coffee? I'll totally brew it for everyone...


im_apimp December 3 2011, 17:07:40 UTC
[doesn't respond. Not Dean, and also not looking. He forgets, sometimes, who he looks like.]


spncrazyfan December 4 2011, 06:41:07 UTC
[and so starts the poking]

Dean. I need coffee. Please?


im_apimp December 5 2011, 15:41:43 UTC
[squirms a bit at being poked, before looking at her skeptically]

I'd ask if I looked like Dean, but as I'm saying it I realize it's a stupid question.


spncrazyfan December 6 2011, 04:00:19 UTC
But you... you look...

[confused Becky is confused]

How can you look like him?


im_apimp December 6 2011, 16:28:06 UTC

Ever heard the theory that everyone on Earth has a visual twin?


spncrazyfan December 9 2011, 02:53:51 UTC
Yeah, but in the end they are really just a shapeshifter.


Are you a shapeshifter?!


im_apimp December 10 2011, 19:01:28 UTC

I'm not a shapeshifter. You can ask Jo -- she verified it.


spncrazyfan December 10 2011, 23:13:28 UTC
Oh. Well, Jo would know how to do that.

[and she's sitting at the booth now]

But you really do look just like him. It's kinda freaky.


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