Characters: Jackson and Jaina, closed.
Location: the streets, wherever Jaina ends up
Planet: Coruscant
When: Sunday evening
What: Jaina has a mark on her head, Jackson is a sith. This proves to be a volatile combination, surprisingly.
Rating: PG-13 for violence?
it takes the truth to fool me )
Comments 7
Postives and negatives.
Positive. Jacen was alive, and more like the Jacen she knew rather than the Jacen she remembered. The memory of Malak taking his life still burned, and the feeling of her twin's life Force being abruptly severed had been nothing short of haunting.
She had now publicly defected from the Sith.
Jaina wasn't stupid, she knew the action would have its consequences, and the cloud of paranoia that began to cling as soon as she had set off from Korriban wasn't disappating anytime soon.
The Sith weren't fans of traitors.
Jaina sighed, shaking such thoughts from her mind as she continued on towards the junkyard where a former swoop sponsor had promised her a few parts at a discount price.
Still, he had learned too well what underestimation could cost him. Instead he stays hidden, though now risking travelling a bit closer, still testing the boundaries. There weren't many others around and even less where they were headed.
He wondered how prepared she would be for a sudden attack. No, not worth the risk, not when there was still much to test here.
Jaina frowned.
She was being followed.
Discretely moving a hand to cover the ignition switch of her lightsaber, Jaina continued walking as if nothing was wrong in the slightest.
That's the time he needed to launch an attack himself, emerging from his hiding place to try and connect his elbow to the back of her head, lightsaber in hand. He preferred hand to hand over most weapons, though he had to admit the lightsabers had some elegance to them, even if it felt like an old scifi movie more than he would have liked. Perceptions of reality had a way of changing when given enough time.
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