Event: Bihl Eh Deen Memorial (Nar Shadaa)

Jul 20, 2011 03:47

Characters: Open
Location: Bihl Eh Deen Memorial Hospital
Planet: Nar Shadaa
When: Week 24, shortly after the distress signal
What: The Revanites respond to a distress call sent by Republic forces
Rating: TBA

something wicked )

☄a:tla: azula, ☄marvel (comics): wade wilson - deadpool, mass effect: jack, mass effect: alice shepard, !event, mass effect: garrus vakarian, mass effect: thane krios

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only_mostlydead July 20 2011, 17:47:32 UTC
[Shepard squints at the poor excuse for a hospital, tapping her gun against her hip.] I can definitely see why they needed to toss out a distress signal, seeing this place.

Who wants to be that the real threat here is whether we get sick or not?


go_in_peace July 24 2011, 17:36:20 UTC
[Thane blinks at that, still too foggy to fully take in their surroundings- or the fact that Jack bitching was a good sign. He can recognize his own confusion at least, and takes a moment to close his eyes as Jack turns her attentions to Shepard.

Shepard, yes, this was a mission. The screams and cracks of concrete loosening and hitting the ground- a bombing. He glances to Garrus and Shepard- safe, if not heavily injured. His own injuries were workable, his head beginning to clear and the ringing softening some. But Jack-

He looks back at her, then her shoulder. The taste of dust in his mouth, the pair of eyes on him. He tries standing straight, standing tall, the voice has no intonation. The pain throbs. "You can do this on your own." He explains. "Put this arm up then-"

Thane blinks, not sure if he was muttering to himself or not. He puts his hand on Jack's shoulder, testing it a moment before apparently finding what he needed. He turns his attention to Jack.]

Take a deep breath. [And that's all the warning he'll give before he ( ... )


popaheatsink July 24 2011, 21:03:42 UTC
[Garrus was agreeing with Jack's oh-so-eloquent strategic assessment. They needed to move. Another bomb might be planning to go off to finish the job, annihilate any stragglers.

He barely winces when Thane pops Jack's shoulder back into place with cold efficiency. Sometimes he forgot assassins had extensive anatomical knowledge and for a moment he was relieved Thane was on their team today. Himself, he merely stared at the rebar, knowing he could yank Jack off of it but not knowing exactly how soft human legs were and not wanting to tear a further injury, if he could avoid it. Shepard was a safer bet for that.

He glanced over his shoulder.] Shepard, there are other survivors. [That. Just that. She was their commander; it was her right to decide if they would stay and help or get the hell out before reinforcements arrived. He would be all right with either decision.]


only_mostlydead July 25 2011, 01:18:05 UTC
[Shepard doesn't shy away when the shoulder is popped back into place. It's all part of being a soldier. When Garrus speaks to her, she looks up slowly, before glancing out at the chaos surrounding them. Those that could move were spilling into the dirty Nar Shaddaa alley and disappearing into the growing crowd. She knew the reputation of the moon; help wouldn't be coming, not any time soon.

There's a nod.] We can't remove the rebar from her leg. Right now, it's holding her together, but she'll bleed out if we try to move it. And unless any of you have suddenly received a medical degree behind my back... [Shepard pauses, takes a deep breath in the acrid air.] I'll stay behind, help the survivors, see if there are others.

[Her gaze is sharp when she looks at Thane first, then Garrus. He's the problem here.] Take Jack back to the Normandy, make sure she's settled, drug her up if she gives you any problems. [There's a pointed look at Jack when she says that.] Then you two get your asses back here as soon as possible. We deal with this ( ... )


hellodeadpeople July 25 2011, 02:19:53 UTC
[ And, as expected, she screams, and promptly punches the nearest chunk of rubble with the good arm. So there's some new cuts and bruises there for whatever poor poor medic they end up conning into treating her later to deal with. But the pain at least takes something away from the 'ow fuck there is a metal rod in my leg' situation. Some time while people are discussing survivors she's tentatively rolling the sensitive, newly relocated shoulder and trying to get over wanting to slap everyone around her, and chimes in eventually.]

Like I'd say no to drugs, Shepard. [ This would normally be said with a lot more humor, but the adrenaline rush from the explosion is starting to die off and that head wound is doing it's own number on her now. ]


go_in_peace July 25 2011, 02:38:20 UTC
[Thane (wisely) shifts away while Jack recovers, regarding her arm to make sure it seemed properly in place before turning his attention to Shepard. The ringing in his ears hadn't quite gone but he felt clearheaded, at least enough to process her orders instead of staring at her in confusion.

He glances at her injuries, then at the chaos around them, momentarily wondering if he should raise an objection for her safety. The sharp look was more than enough to remind him she was the one who held his contract, and her orders were final. Afterall, Shepard seemed to make a living off cheating death, sometimes more literally than those around her would care to admit.]

Very well. [So he nods, returning to Jack's side to help her to her feet, glancing to Garrus for help in lifting the convict as carefully as possible.]


AND FINALLY I REPLY popaheatsink August 18 2011, 23:25:58 UTC
[Garrus doesn't respond right away, staring at Shepard for a long moment. Poor Thane would have to wait a bit longer for help.

Garrus was regretting having said anything to Shepard. She may be his Commander, but that hadn't stopped him from voicing concerns before.] Alone? [He knew the reputation of this moon, too. And while he was fairly confident in Shepard's ability to handle herself alone on somewhere like Omega, that confidence wavered when she had just survived a bombing and was suffering from who knew how many injuries. And she was sending her team-- sending him away voluntarily?]


\o/ only_mostlydead August 19 2011, 01:29:41 UTC
[Of course it would be Garrus to speak up against her orders, and Shepard swallows the small bit of anger flaring up in her at it. She's the commander, the one in charge. She's been out in the field more times than she can remember, even before she came in under Anderson's command.

But she understands why he, why any of them, would be worried for her. There's a pause as Shepard looks around her at the chaos, the hurt and the dead, but it doesn't make her question her command. It only strengthens it.] Yes. Alone. I doubt whoever did this is going to drop in on me. I can handle it, Garrus. [There's another sharp look.] Go. I'm not about to drop over in pain anytime soon, and the faster we move, the better.


hellodeadpeople August 19 2011, 04:36:21 UTC
[ Jack wraps an arm around Thane's shoulders, thankful for the help as she pulls herself up, most of the weight rested on him while she hisses some colorful curses under her breath. A glance over at Garrus and Shepard and even injured and pissed she can tell that's not a conversation that's going to end well. ]

You heard the lady, dino-boy. [ She interjects, not as harshly as it could have been. ] Let's go.


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