Characters: Aqua, Snape, Closed
Location: Jedi Temple
Planet: Coruscant
When: Backdated! To week... Two? Before the hyperlanes shut down~
What: Snape tries to be helpful in an underhanded way and Aqua is unhelpful in a rather obvious way.
Rating: L for Linefacing.
Missing the obvious )
Comments 10
How...[that may be teeth gritting] foolish of me. To leave that behind.
[he grabs his lightsaber, then drops it on the ground]
Um. [Staring at you, Master. Why does he not seem happy? Well, he never seems happy, but this is even unhappier than usual. She bends down and picks up the elite Jedi weapon warily, staring at him the whole time.] And you've dropped it. Again. [She holds it out hopefully.]
So. I. Have.
[he turns and starts to walk away]
This is a test? [It's SOMETHING, that's for sure, but she is just guessing. She taps the rejected hilt against her palm.] ... I'm usually very good at tests. [Ya know, when she could figure out what they were.]
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