So one of the discussions I've been following around fandom this week seems to centre around how many people have been killed by the recent events in season 8. The views range from only as many as we've seen explicitly dead bodies within the comic (ie very few) right through to millions.I actually think the question is doomed to never be resolved
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Comments 16
However, I do think that Joss has raised the stakes (heh! pun) too much in the comic, with this world ending.
No wonder the comic just doesn't seem like BtVS to many people.
At the end of season 8 it'll be interesting to discuss what the worst mis-steps of the comics have been but I think this one will be a front-runner.
It's that problem we've been having about the execution of the emotional resonance of the story. Loss of focus, lagging plot, then important things that slip between the cracks because of time wasted.
I think the issue with events post reveal is a bigger issue and more related to Joss as a storyteller - he's interested in his characters but doesn't really want to deal in the bigger picture of how his characters feel about the people at a remove from them. This is absolutely not a dig at the characters, I don't for a minute see this as evidence that any of them are supposed to be viewed as shallow or callous.
I accept I'm being premature and this whole issue may be fully explored (in 40 if anywhere) I'm just not optimistic about that.
*nods* I never minded, to be honest. I don't even mind about Xander, because I can so clearly see the writer's hand. It bothers me, however, that apparently the writer doesn't think Buffy should feel guilty about destroying the world, except the part where she shared her power... Grrr.
My fear is that Joss hasn't even thought about the deaths caused by the Angel/Buffy sexathon so won't even think of what blame Buffy should take for it. (Again, fingers crossed I'll be wrong and Joss will address this all.)
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