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Comments 2

ex_naggingf April 12 2009, 23:45:54 UTC
I like Perceptor's new look. I still imagine him with a British accent too...I'm not sure what accent they gave him in TFA (Russian?) but it was just...NO.

Keep drawing him XD


thespacebridge April 22 2009, 23:32:41 UTC
I really like Perceptor's new look too. Perceptor looking like that with a old fashioned BBC voice would be the best thing ever.

(I think that's what is seen by overseas as a 'British accent' as we have lots of different ones lol)

That voice they gave him in TFA was awful. I couldn't understand what he said first time. I had to watch it again. I think they might have been going for a Stephen Hawkings electronic voice, but if they were they didn't do it very well.

I've definitely got plans to scribble him again ;] If I do my comic he'll be in that a lot (the idea of drawing that scope a lot is quite worrying!).


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