Title: Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy-Eight Days
Pairing: Kris/Luhan
Rating: NC17
Length: 11k
Author's Note: originally seen on yifantasy
Warnings: over indulgence of champagne
Summary: Yifan gets left at the altar. So does Lu Han.
Yifan’s been alive for over twenty-four and a half years. )
Comments 5
ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS. *wordlessly flailing*
The idea of marrying next hall's groom who also hv been ditch by his bride? *exaggerately widen eyes*
But its ur KrisHan, and i'm here ABSOLUTELY, CRAZILY, SANE OUT OF MY MIND TOO..
Firstly, Yifan is adorable?? And I just want to give him lots of hugs.
Luhan is incorriagable and deserves a slap on the ass. But he's great, love the way you write Lu Han. He was so interesting and quirky, can't really blame Yifan for getting butterflies. (Seriously, he was so cute. Butterflies. Adorable.)
I liked how they helped each other express their hurt and how it was less and less about being a distraction and more about getting to know each other.
Really great story, bunny!
I also learned that i can read and walk at the same time bc i read this as i walked seven blocks to work from the subway XD
I have so much to catch up on from you! Im excited! :D
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