admin; FAQ

Apr 22, 2011 18:17

admin, faq

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Comments 28

novembersmith April 22 2011, 17:40:27 UTC
Sorry, I am sleep-deprived and brain-dead, but is the first author sign-up post for only authors who signed up for the original big bang? Will there be a second-tier post later?


thisissirius April 22 2011, 17:41:46 UTC
sorry, it's not you, it's me! i just edited the author post to clarify!


novembersmith April 22 2011, 19:01:29 UTC
Ahaha, oh god, apparently I have ALL the questions! *hangs head* So for the author sign-ups going now, what level of detail do you want in the summary? Just a quick "CLOWN AU" or whatever, or should it be more, like, "Mark and Eduardo are trapeze artists in a circus; Dustin lends them his make-up for clown sex shenanigans. M/E, RATED ARGH R"?

CAVEAT: I am not actually writing a clown AU.


thisissirius April 22 2011, 19:05:18 UTC

don't worry about questions! that's what this is here for, after all. oh just a generalisation. you don't have to include rating or anything, it's just the general idea of your AU.

for example, mine would say "Ghosts of Hanukkah Past AU" for instance.


kissoffools April 22 2011, 20:28:24 UTC
I'm sorry, I've read all this and I'm confused. /o\ I'm assuming that tsnbigbang died out, which is why we're going ahead with thesocialbang. That's cool! I'm more confused about where this one picks up. You're talking about stuff written for tsnbigbang and stuff written for round two, and I just don't understaaaaand ( ... )


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kissoffools April 23 2011, 14:03:05 UTC
Thank you, that sounds totally clear now. :D


chosenfire28 April 23 2011, 00:34:06 UTC
Can you sign up an an artist AND author? Say to write a fic and do art for other fics, not to do art for your own fic?


kissoffools April 23 2011, 04:03:58 UTC
why am i not at all shocked that you are here :P

i've signed up for both, btw~


novembersmith April 23 2011, 12:56:34 UTC
I am back with more inane questions! This time about art! When you say traditional art, I assume you mean physical stuff: paintings, charcoals, pastels, etc. But what about, um. More non-traditional things? Like, say someone was writing a Rio AU with Jesse and Andrew as adorable birds in love. Could I make a funky themed birdhouse and take many pics of it/mail it to the author, should they so desire?


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novembersmith April 23 2011, 15:18:44 UTC


ymorton April 24 2011, 01:18:05 UTC
hi hi hello, is there a prompt post? i've searched for a link, but the link on the quicklinks page led to a sherlock prompt page?

thanks for picking this up, guys!!! so excited to read everyone's stuff! i don't know if i'll be writing but this sounds so fun! we have til may 6 to decide, correct?



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