Schedule for Round 5

Apr 26, 2014 23:45

Schedule Round 5

April 27th (Sunday) to May 10th (Saturday) - Sign-ups:
Before you sign up, please read the updated FAQ. You can sign up for more than one job. Sign-ups close on Saturday, May 10th, at 11.59pm CET.

June 8th (Sunday) to June 14th (Saturday) - First author check-in:
This check-in is mandatory for all authors. We don't need a draft from you (though feel free to send one in if you want to), but you will need to comment on the check-in post on LJ. If you know you won't be able to come online for the check-in, send us an email beforehand to let us know, and we'll consider you checked in. Check-in closes on Saturday, June 14th, at 11.59pm CET.

July 26 (Saturday) to August 01 (Friday) - Second author check-in and rough draft submission:
This check-in and the accompanying rough draft submission are mandatory for all authors. You will need to comment on the check-in post on LJ, and send us a copy of your rough draft (8k or more, including a header) via email. If we don't receive a draft from you, we'll assume you have defaulted out of the Bang. Check-in and draft submission close on Friday, August 1st, at 11.59pm CET.

August 03 (Sunday) - Artist Claims:
The claims post will go up for preview on Saturday, open for claiming on 00.01am CET on Sunday, and run for at least 24 hours. Once claiming closes, we'll send out match-up emails to all authors and artists.

August 23 (Saturday) to 29 September 5 (Friday) - Final check-in with fic and art draft submission:
The final check-in and submission are mandatory for all authors and artists. You will need to comment on the check-in post on LJ, and send us a copy of your final draft via email. If we don't hear from you, we'll assume you have defaulted out and won't assign you a posting date. Check-in and draft submission close on Friday, August 29th September 5th, at 11.59pm CET.

September 01 08 (Monday) - Posting begin:
The posting schedule will be posted on LJ on September 6th. All teams will be responsible for posting their own work.

General information:

There will be reminders and additional information on each step in emails and the relevant LJ posts as the dates come up. We also strongly recommend that you track the community so that you'll receive a notification email from LJ every time there is a new post and can be sure not to miss anything important.

If you have any questions, please first check the FAQ, and, if those can't help you, send us an email at tsnbigbang2012 at gmail dot com. Please don't ask questions in comments, as those can be auto-marked as spam and easily overlooked.

If you ever have any problems (with the schedule, your fic, the cooperation with another participant, etc), don't hesitate to email us. We are here to help, and we'll do everything we can to try and make this new round of the TSN Big Bang a positive experience for everybody.

If you, for whichever reason, find that you have to bow out, that's okay. We understand, we've all been in that position, we won't ask why or judge, but we'd very much appreciate it if you'd send us an email to let us know that you are dropping out, so we know to take you off the mailing list and won't try to contact you at the next check-in.

schedule, admin, round 5

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