Fanbook submission guidelines

Feb 18, 2010 09:46

Hi folks!

The final decision of the community is to go ahead and do a comprehensive fanbook project, and I've spent the past couple of weeks hashing out some rules with the initial editors on the project. If you want to participate, please read the following guidelines and don't hesitate to ask questions in the comments. Please do not submit anything right now. We will be accepting submissions from July 11-25, giving people a chance to really polish up their work, finish school, and find time to do this. We will be doing monthly reminders of the fanbook up to July, then weekly.

Book details
- The book will be 8x10in portrait sized (20x25cm) printed through If a cheaper printer can be found that is known for decent quality work, we will consider it. Please submit a URL for the publisher in the comments. I have already checked out Lulu and is actually cheaper.
- Each participant will get a single page. The final size of the book will be determined by the number of participants. If two people have small submissions, they may share a page.
- Right now, the book will be softcover and in full color. If 120 people participate, the cost of the book will be $29.95USD per book - which really isn't that bad considering the color aspect and the amount of content. A lot of folks have paid the same price for doujinshi that have contained a lot less. If enough people are interested, we can upgrade to a hardcover with a dust jacket. The price of the book will fluctuate depending on the final number of participants. You can view the pricing options here and make sure that standard portrait is selected.

What can you submit?
You can submit anything that can be printed: Fanart, fanfic, cosplay images, photos of your Slayers plushies, your cat who is named and acts just like Lina, an essay, etc. Each person can submit a maximum of two works. Both works must fit on a single 8x10in (20x25cm) page.

If submitting fanart, photos or scanned images, what specs do I need to keep in mind?
- All images must be JPG, PNG or PSD
- Your images must be 300dpi and in RGB. Please do not convert to CMYK, the printer will do that for us. If you do not have access to a scanner, please contact me and I'll help with scanning materials and getting them back to you.

If submitting fanfic or other written material, what specs do I need to keep in mind?
- Written text will be in 9 pt Times New Roman, so please keep it to 500 words or less. Edit: I realize it is low for that page, but we are leaving some wiggle room to go up a point size or two if need be for legibility.
- All text files must be submitted as a .txt document

But English isn't my primary language! Can I still participate?
Absolutely! We encourage you to submit items in your primary language. The book will be organized in English, but the variety of languages will enable us to show how Slayers is appreciated worldwide. We also have a couple of editors for different countries, and if you want to edit for a specific language, please contact me. Currently we have an Italian-language editor and a Spanish-language editor.

What is not allowed
We want this book to be family-friendly and accessible for everyone, so the following guidelines are in place.

- Any pairing you want is allowed, however you must keep it at a PG-13 level for both art and fic. If anything above that rating or any questionable content is submitted, the editors will vote on it then let the original submitter know if they need to submit something else.
- No plagiarism! That's just tacky.
- No colored manga/novel pictures, and no traced art from the same sources. No images done on notebook paper or something that looks like it's been left outside for three days.
- No crossovers. We'll judge the costly on a case-by-case basis, but this book is not the venue to do the Slayers/Inuyasha crossover you've always wanted.
- Anything that has atrocious spelling or grammar. If you need help, please ask in locating a beta reader.

Can I do an AU?
AUs will be judged on a case by case basis. If you do an AU story for Slayers in a blatant attempt to do a crossover or Mary Sue, those will also be turned down. If you want to do a different aspect of the series - such as what if Amelia had become a chimera rather than Zelgadiss - or explore an alternate pairing such as Lina/Zelgadiss or Zelgadiss/Xelloss, then that's fine.

What will we do with the book?
The book will also be available to people for purchase through Blurb. We may offer a PDF version of the book as well.

Right now, the plan is to make three copies of the books as gifts for Hajime Kanzaka, Rui Araizumi and FUNimation. The latter has been chosen due to the company's efforts to keep the franchise alive and the attention they paid toward choosing an excellent dub cast for Revolution/Evolution-R. Right now, the plan is to reach the publishers of Slayers through FUNimation, but if you have an alternate way of having the books reach Japan, please message me. All addresses will be kept private.

But what if I can't write or draw?
Feel free to donate toward the cost of printing and shipping the three main copies of the books. Anyone who contributes anything will be included in the credits of the book. Any funds not used in this will be donated to an international charity of the community's choice.

Right now, we have the following deadlines:
- February-July: Create at will! We have made sure that you have until July so folks who need to finish school and can do so, and still give plenty of time to create. We will also publish reminders.
- July 11-25: Submit your work. All work MUST be submitted by midnight EST on July 26th to the appropriate editor. We will post which editor works will go to closer to submission time.

So… who are the editors at this time?
Right now, the editors are the following:
dqbunny: Editor in Chief
secondlina: Fanart Editor
earthstar_chan: Fanfic Editor

In addition to these editors, we have the following people assisting us with foreign language submissions.

ameban: Editor in charge of Spanish-language submissions
rowenathewitch: Editor in charge of Italian-language submissions

We are looking for any other foreign-language editors. Other positions will be announced as the need is determined for them. The cover art will also be announced at a later date.

Is this LJ-only?
Absolutely not! Feel free to tell others not on the community and point them toward the submission rules. If you plan to post/translate the submission rules, please let me know in the comments.

I want to participate! What do I need to do?
Right now, we need a preliminary headcount of participants. So, please comment to the post with the following:

1. What sort of work are you planning to submit?
2. Where are you from and what language will your work be in?
3. Suggestions/Comments/etc.
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