Characters: Anyone and everyone from all three ships.
Content: The clouds are gone, revealing the long-sought world below.
Setting: The edge of the continent, near the blast site.
Time: After all the monsters have been fought and the ships head southeast.
Warnings: What you bring with you.
A hundred thousand things to see )
Normally there would be no contest, but that pawn was a critical part of his defense. With it out of the way, his front line would be unpleasantly vulnerable to attack.
"I must say, old friend, it's good to see that you made it through the chaos in one piece," he said, making idle smalltalk as he considered. "I would have so missed these games."
Deciding that the knight was worth less than the tactical position afforded by that pawn, he reluctantly moved his knight forward and to the right, blocking the path of the rook that was threatening his king.
[ooc: This thread is specifically for Iroh, but anyone who wants to do something else with Grumman can just reply to it!]
"Pass," he said, passing the turn over to Iroh. "Well, I'm not in any hurry to head on down. Things are good for me here, and I'm much too old to be playing explorer. Still, you never know!"
He laughed a little. "Oh, come my friend, you are no older than I am. And I have little doubt I will be coerced into travel." Actually, considering who was probably likely to do the 'coercion,' he would find it quite pleasant. A smug little smirk can over his face.
"True, true," Grumman said. "But unlike you, I have a vested interest in remaining in Ivona, if I want to keep my position. If I go Below, it will likely be on the campaigning trail."
Both games were essentially over, he knew, but Iroh placed the dragon tile down at a crossroad, further cementing his harmonies and destroying one of Grumman's. "Everything is in a delicate balance. Ivona herself would not do well were any one of the pieces that balance her be too badly affected."
"You win again," he admitted, pushing the Pai Sho board towards Iroh. "I retire."
Stroking his bead, he regarded both boards carefully before simply reclining back into his chair. "I do not think you'll be retiring any time soon, Eustace. You were quick enough to assume control of the Amestris, both times such a role became... available."
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