Characters: Kristoph Gavin & Katsura Kotaro [
thedevilsmile &
Content: Tea between two crazy lunatics fine and perfect gentlemen.
Setting: Kristoph's Quarters, the Victoria II.
Time: After
this conversation, while the ship is en route towards Erealia.
Warnings: Nothing can go wrong with tea. Really.
...oh, who am I kidding. Everything's going to go wrong here. )
Comments 18
Perhaps, with the reduction in crew, Gavin was looking to close ranks and create a more unified front when it came to the command structure. Perhaps the man was simply out of other options when it came to finding company. Whatever the reason, Katsura was hardly the sort of person to turn down a polite invitation to tea.
He showed up promptly, knocking politely on the door before he stepped inside. "Mister Gavin," he commented, nodding politely by way of greeting.
He gestured towards the seats near the table then, where the teapot was steaming with now freshly brewed Ceylon tea. "Please, do take a seat. I do apologize for not having my place in a better state for your arrival." Though really, his place was much neater than most other people's quarters already - but Kristoph was Kristoph, and he expected nothing else other than absolute perfection.
Despite Kristoph's apologies, the place looked perfectly tidy to him. "Please don't worry about it. I think a good number of our crewmates could take a lesson in neatness from you." Not himself, of course. Katsura's quarters, like everything else about the man, was the height of spartan efficiency.
Not that anyone else needed to know that though.
"I merely do my part," the blonde went with a small smile as he settled himself down onto his seat, making sure that he (as well as his guest) was settled down before speaking again as he reached for the steaming teapot. "I hope you're a fan of Ceylon," he started while pouring out the freshly brewed tea. "I'm afraid my stocks are despairingly short for the moment, and the winter season wasn't agreeable to my tastes." Hopefully when they returned, he could properly refill said stocks.
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