Know me broken by my master [CLOSED]

Jan 11, 2010 00:59

Characters: Yoruichi and Ichigo
Content: morning-after guilt I MEAN. Ichigo takes off from the ship to get his head on straight. Yoruichi finds him and tells him that the first step is admitting that he has a problem, and can get help. Hollows Anonymous, here he comes.
Setting: The desert outside of Garrettstown
Time: The day after Long Night, mid-morning, before they take off for Licere
Notes/Warnings: Angst, probably language. Also, as of this log, Ichigo is no longer on the Winding Way. His plane's gone. His journal is in his cabin, as is everything but his toolkit for repairing his plane and some clothes. No, he does not say goodbye to anyone. Yes, he is a dick.

There had been a moment of confusion when he woke up in the infirmary, a moment of wonderful, blissful ignorance that was far too short. Memories of the night before came crashing over him, memories of what he had said, what he had done. He'd attacked the crew. He'd scared the girls, made them cry. But worse still was what he could have done. By some miracle, no one had died. No one had had their soul eaten by that thing inside him.

He could still feel it in the back of his mind, so much stronger than it had been. Whatever Watanuki had done prevented the thing from coming out for now, but as soon as it broke through, Ichigo could tell that he'd have to fight it for control.

All he knew was that he had to get off the ship, had to get away. Whether this would actually do any good he didn't know, but he couldn't face the people he'd nearly killed, not right now. He'd headed out into the desert on foot, walking until he was far enough away that someone in the city wouldn't be able to see him. Once out there, he found a rocky outcropping and sat down in its shade, leaning against the rock with his head thrown back.

He didn't know what to do. Was fighting it every minute of every day really all he could do? And even if he could do that, could he go back to that ship and look Ilya in the eye? Rikku? Harlequin? knowing that it was still there and any second could come out and actually kill them this time?

They'd been so scared...

Ichigo clenched a fist and brought it down onto the sand, hard. What was he going to do?

yoruichi shihōin, kurosaki ichigo

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