Bring on the soup dish, bring on the cup [CLOSED]

Jul 21, 2009 00:38

Characters: Zidane Tribal and Giselle Philip
Content: Zidane, as ordered, goes mooching for food. Giselle, staunch defender of the galley, will brook no nonsense from this sneaky little--oh, who are we kidding?
Setting: The galley of the Winding Way
Time: BACKDATED, just after Giselle's return to the Way
Warnings: Deliciousness?

Bring on the bacon and fill me up! )

≠ zidane tribal, ≠ giselle philip

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Comments 10

happylittlesong July 26 2009, 07:25:10 UTC
Giselle would've needed to be pried out of the kitchen. It was like coming back to an old, dear friend, after so long away -- although, to be honest, it was like an old, dear friend who'd had their cabinets rearranged and all the strainers moved. So she had made herself a List, and set about reacquainting herself, down to the last little salad-fork.

She'd been so absorbed in the fork, in fact, that she was very badly startled by the door suddenly bursting open. Don't move, she nearly screamed, I have a fork! -- but then she heard the voice, and any hesitation she'd had immediately melted.

How could anyone say no to someone who asked so -- so charmingly? Giselle could not have said no to such an eloquent request if it had been a robbery. She clasped her hands to her chest, which would have been a tragic accident if she had not remembered about the fork at the last minute.

"Oh, well," she said -- not so much said, really, as giggled. "How could I possibly refuse such a polite young man? All the ovens are off, but I suppose I could ( ... )


returntosomeday July 26 2009, 16:42:24 UTC
Wow. Zidane nearly stopped short in his tracks. This was not a cook he knew--granted, he hadn't been here long, but he thought he knew most of them by sight, by now, if not by name. Furthermore, she was...beautiful. Willowy, sweet-faced, waves of bright hair...

A very real smile stole across his face. "Hey, please, don't give yourself too much trouble," he said, with his best playhouse gallantry. "Just the sight of your face could keep a hundred armies marching. I don't think we've been introduced, Miss..."


happylittlesong August 3 2009, 05:44:50 UTC
If the kitchen hadn't been bad enough, Giselle was lost trying to keep track of all the new crew members. It'd been crazy enough, with people constantly joining and leaving all the time, but such a sudden shift -- she'd had to memorize whole lists of favorites and allergies and which crew members needed a teensy bit of extra prodding to eat their vegetables and goodness, it was enough to make anyone all dizzy! But she was sure she would've remembered this charming young man if she'd ever met him before; surely his manners (something that, sadly, the Way had a tendency to be lacking in) would've stuck in her mind.

"Oh, it's all right -- my goodness, you're sweet," she gushed. Her heart was still fluttering a little from the surprise, and she covered it by hastily putting the fork back in the drawer. It would not do to make introductions whilst swinging eating utensils about like a -- like a slightly insane person! "I'm Giselle! I'm one of the cooks -- well, I was -- I am -- there was a very unfortunate incident a few months ago ( ... )


returntosomeday August 3 2009, 09:29:20 UTC
"You know, I think you've got the beautiful dream thing covered already," Zidane said, spinning a chair to sit with a leg to each side and folding his arms on the back, all the more comfortably to watch her flustering back and forth over the cutlery. He'd met a lot of gushy girls in the theater district, but most of them were pretty full of themselves. This one's abject niceness was...well, refreshing.

And she could sing and dance? He raised both eyebrows. "So, you're a performer? I've done a lot of that, too. Ever been to Kropmork?"


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