All Around the Mulberry Bu-......wait...whut? [Open]

Jun 19, 2009 21:10

Characters: Harlequin and whoever he meets . . . or trips over him, as the case may be.  D=  LOL
Content: Wandering, sightseeing, avoiding any stray dogs or cats, enjoying the energy in the air . . . trying to figure out where in Reial he is . . . and working on not getting stepped on!  =S
Setting:  The streets of the makeshift town in the Badlands
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≠ harlequin, ≠ near, yoruichi shihōin, ≠ abe takaya

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abeator June 20 2009, 15:30:29 UTC
He had been wandering around the market a little ways off the common hangar when he saw a small... puppet walking around. He thought at first that someone was giving a street performance, but it did seem like the puppet was walking about on his own. Was it through magic?

So, without thinking about it, he walked toward the thing while its back was turned and promptly reached down and picked it up by the scruff of its clothes. "What are you?" he asked, if a little gruffly, turning the thing to himself.


abeator June 30 2009, 01:27:36 UTC
Abe shrugged, because it wasn't really a big thing to him, to offer people to fly. He liked taking every excuse he could to fly off.

"Just look for me at the Fierta, plane is Catcher."


fire_water_wood June 30 2009, 14:25:17 UTC
"I'll do that. Thank you again! So . . . when are the races, do you know?"


abeator June 30 2009, 15:03:34 UTC
"Maybe next week," he answered with a shrug. "The pre-race preparations are taking time. I guess that's all right considering the town we've set up here, though."


fire_water_wood July 4 2009, 01:57:45 UTC
"Yep, it's a wonderful town! I do hope they start soon, though. I'm so looking forward to seeing it!"


abeator July 4 2009, 09:39:55 UTC
Abe nodded, and looked into the distance at the wreck and ruin of a course he was guessing would be used for the race. "I hope you can find a good place to watch the race. You're short."


Catching up from life - argh! OTL fire_water_wood July 10 2009, 14:43:16 UTC
Harlequin laughed. "That, sir, is an understatement. But I'm sure I'll find someplace. I can climb up high, and my slight weight shouldn't upset even the slimmest of poles."


Welcome back~ \o/ I'll reply with Hughes tomorrow, my brain is dead atm! abeator July 10 2009, 14:45:14 UTC
Abe peered at him again. "Ah, that's right. You wouldn't really have trouble getting over everyone's heads. Careful not to get stepped on, though."


TY! Good to /be/ back - alsklkasf that's right, you play Hughes too ::hearts!:: fire_water_wood July 10 2009, 16:54:14 UTC
((OOC: np! I /totally/ get the braindead thing . . . that's been me for most of the past two weeks. TT~TT))

Harlequin looked up at him with a wry grin. "Yes, sir, that has been my biggest challenge thus far." Not that he truly minded, but... "Well, in any case, Mr. Abe, I hope I'm not keeping you from any place or anything important...?"


And Watson! abeator July 11 2009, 09:51:47 UTC
"Not really," Abe shrugged. "I'm just hanging around the common hangar, I guess?" He was rather unwilling to leave the general vicinity of his plane. The last thing he needed was someone doing funny things to his bird, which would effectively take him out of the races. It was his belief that a tampered bird should never be taken out to fly -- only bad things could happen, even to an experienced pilot like himself.


\o/ XD fire_water_wood July 12 2009, 21:54:55 UTC
"I see. Are . . . you looking for something? Or waiting for someone?" After all, it seemed rather boring to just be hanging around in one area, not with so much else to see and do. But then, he knew he himself may just be silly that way.


abeator July 13 2009, 00:52:56 UTC
"I was buying something," Abe informed the curious little puppet. "Food, among others."

That reminded him. He started looking around again for things he could possibly take back with him to his plane. It was getting difficult to look for anything he particularly wanted to eat, and he wasn't picky by any means.


fire_water_wood July 13 2009, 18:47:59 UTC
"O-oh! Well, I . . . my apologies for keeping you, then." Harlequin gave another elegant bow, straightening with a grin. "Safe travels and I hope you find what you're looking for. I'll be sure to cheer for you at the races!"


abeator July 14 2009, 00:48:40 UTC
Abe grinned at him a little, and reached out to ruffle Harlequin's non-existent hair. "Will do. Nice meeting you. Just look for me after, all right?"


fire_water_wood July 14 2009, 01:01:49 UTC
Harlequin laughed good-naturedly, ducking a bit at the gestures. "I will! I definitely will!"


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