A meeting of two minds. [CLOSED]

Jun 17, 2009 21:53

Characters: Sherlock Holmes and Dimo
Content: Two violin enthusiasts meet in person, and talk shop. And the Doma poisonings, with possible mention of the Jagers' mission.
Setting: One of the many fine drinking establishments that have sprung up around the site.
Time: Around noon, pre-race.
Warnings: None that I can think of.

So, there's this one note that I'm having trouble with... )

dimo, ≠ sherlock holmes

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Comments 16

justdeduceit June 18 2009, 13:28:08 UTC
Holmes had a feeling that Dimo would bring his violin, and so there was a slim case under one arm as he walked into the bar. Woe betide anyone who tried to take it from him; his Stradivarius was one of his most prized possessions.

Even though they had not met, Dimo was incredibly easy to pick out. A Jager, who looked like he was expecting someone -- and a violin case on the ground next to him. Holmes wound his way through the tables, approving silently of Dimo's choice -- he would prefer to be out of the way, especially if Dimo had questions to ask. "Mr. Dimo," he greeted, approaching and sitting down across the table, setting his violin-case across his lap. "A pleasure to speak with you in person at last."


theschmotone June 19 2009, 02:49:58 UTC
Dimo extended his hand across the table to Holmes, a genuinely happy smile on his face. "Und iz a great pleazure on my part as vell, Meester Holmes. How haz hyu been finding de zet-up for de race zo far?"


justdeduceit June 19 2009, 05:03:37 UTC
Holmes took and shook the hand, not minding the claws. In fact, he glanced over the hand, spotting a small red pinprick of some sort. That, coupled with the callouses on his thumb and forefinger, and the piece or two of freshly-cut loose thread on his clothes.... "Tensions are running high on all sides," he said, an amused smile on his face. "A great deal of pride is riding on this race for both Ivona and Vohemar. The Victoria II and the 4423 seem to have an especially antagonistic relationship." He let out a short laugh. "I assume you've been paying attention to the network, in-between your embroidery?"


theschmotone June 21 2009, 00:55:24 UTC
Holmes was rewarded with a very confused look from Dimo. "How in de hell does hyu know dot I does embroidery?!?" he asked incredulously. "I mean, dere's zome vork here on my shirt, but dot could have been done by anyvun, not just me..." Dimo had heard rumors of a detective who'd take cases when the police wouldn't over his years as a caravan guard, but to actually see the deductive skills at work in front of him was another thing entirely.


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