This is how you hold a spoon. Now try the knife. [Closed] [Complete]

Mar 03, 2009 15:32

Characters: Jenka, Komachi
Content: Jenka teaching Komachi self-defense with a knife. And a spoon.
Setting: Jenka's cabin on the 4423
Time: Soon after Komachi's birthday; before the lightning-harvesting trip.
Warnings: Jäger teaching methods = possibly serious violence, involving a cute little girl.

...And we don't mean table manners )

≠ komachi, jenka

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Comments 34

komachibi March 4 2009, 21:08:32 UTC
Komachi stopped in her cabin long enough to make sure both her spoon and the knife she'd found in her cabin earlier - was that from Jenka, then? She'd have to remember to thank her - were safely in her pocket, before heading out into the corridor.

She looked around quickly to make sure the coast was clear (she didn't think Kambei, for one, would approve of her having fighting lessons), then hurried off in the direction of Jenka's room.

She tapped on the Jager's door. "Miss Jenka?"


causink_trouble March 4 2009, 21:48:09 UTC
Jenka heard Komachi's footsteps before the girl rounded the corner - they were obviously a child's, and she didn't think there was another one on the ship. Without taking particular care not to be heard, she walked over to the door and listened. She didn't want to scare the girl too much, but she wanted to see her reaction as the door opened right at the first knock.

She couldn't remember the last time someone who knew what she was called her Miss, and amusing as it was, it just felt wrong. "Come in, und don't call me dot!" - she waved with an only slightly frightening smile.


komachibi March 4 2009, 22:36:27 UTC
Komachi blinked and took a small step back at the door's instant opening. She quickly recovered, darting into Jenka's room and taking a quick look around, before turning to the Jager and cocking her head to one side, with a mildly puzzled look.
"What do I call you, then? Just Jenka?" That seemed a little bit rude to call a teacher, and nice as she was, Jenka was far too intimidating not to respect. Komachi would definitely like to keep on her good side.


causink_trouble March 4 2009, 23:12:56 UTC
Not bad. The child was a quick one, and the first thing she did was look around the room. Jenka wondered how she got the habit.

Jenka's puzzled look matched Komachi's. "Dot's vot everyvun calls me, no? Hyu'z not under my command or anytink." The notion of children respecting their elders wasn't something Jenka was familiar with. Respecting those who are larger than you and have sharp teeth, sure, but that wasn't a fancy-title kind of thing. "Besides, I'z almost four hunnert years old - 'Miss' just sounds silly!" - she chuckled, amused by human notions of politeness.


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