Characters: Tira & Heihachi Hayashida
Content: After aggressively demanding candy and friendly gossiping time with Heihachi, Tira heads over toward the cheerful mechanic's room to find the other packing his things for the long adventure ahead...
Setting: Heihachi's room [4423]
Time: Evening
Warnings: Mild-swears and a surprisingly moody Tira.
Are you going to stay? Or will you go to HIM? )
Comments 15
"Are those more candies in those bags? Huh?" She asked while pointing toward the packed luggage nearby. Tira seemed to only have one thing on her mind today and its 'chocolate'.
"Nah, I dun think those are candies." Tira mumbled to herself as she munched on a chocolate bar.
He hadn't yet told anyone what he had in mind yet - not even Kambei, who would normally be the first to hear what was on Heihachi's mind. He felt bad for holding back, but at the same time it wasn't a subject he wanted to bring up with anyone yet. It was tied to a bunch of feelings too new and raw and indescribable that he hadn't figured out yet and really didn't want to.
He was a little curious about Tira's visit though. Normally if she wanted something, Maxim would be her first choice. "So how are you going, Tira? You've been quiet lately."
He wasn't sure if this was a reassuring sign or not, but at least her threats had died down and no one had turned up dead yet. That was good, right?
"Huh?" She was snapped from her silent reprieve when Heihachi asked her that question. "Tch...yeah...well, shit is borin' lately so I ain't got nothin' to do." She mumbled as she walked further into the room and flopped down on the floor.
"What about you? Eh? Ya ain't smilin', nope. Not smilin' really."
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