Hi there! As I am fairly new to the LJ Sims community, I was wondering if other more experienced simmers had different methods of uploading stories to LJ
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If you don't do it already, it's great to number your pictures. This way, you don't have to copy individual URLs. You can copy the URL of the first picture, and paste the same URL every time you need another picture - just change the number in the filename. This saves a lot of time.
As for composing an entry, I've used LJ since about 2002 so the newer LJ features are pretty alien to me. :C I've tried using them but I prefer the oldschool method of HTML coding the entry. It's not really the most efficient way if you aren't familiar with HTML and can't code quickly, but I prefer it to using any of LJ's features because it's much faster for me. By previewing every 10 pictures or so, I can find errors in the code quickly. It also means I can format things exactly the way I want them and LJ doesn't try to do it for me (which usually ends up being what I don't want). :C
But - to each their own! Try a few different techniques and go with the one that works best for you.
I type my entries in notepad. I upload my images to photobucket, grab the html, put captions underneath them and then post it. Takes about 20 minutes or so depending on how I'm writing the update.
Ah, that sounds like a good method. One thing that helps me write is seeing the pictures that accompany the caption, does the html show a picture like the regular insert a picture do you know?
I've found using HTML makes posting go faster. If you're not familiar with HTML coding, there's an easy way to learn what you need to post more quickly. First you post in Rich Text mode, as you have, and then you go into HTML mode and look at the code for what you just did. Now you can use this as a template for the rest of the post, or all of your posts if you save it to your computer.
You type text in there, and you just take the pictures from explorer and drag them into where you want to have them. Semagic will first make a link to the picture stored at your local harddrive, but when you hit "post", it will upload the pictures to LJ, and convert the links over to point to there.
So, just open it, type, drag-and-drop images. Takes only as long as it takes you to type the text.
(also, it auto-saved your entries, and you can save drafts)
I have all my (named and numbered!) pictures open in Paintshop Pro on my PC and NotePad on my laptop. The pictures are also uploaded to Photobucket at that point, so I write down the majority of the html, but leave the filename part blank. Then I glance at the picture, write down the name in the blank spot and a caption and then close the picture, which then shows the next one. Continue until done, paste into LJ post, hit preview and see if I made any mistakes in the numbering.
Heh, I know it's not an option for everyone, but it means I don't have to keep alt-tabbing between two programs. It's having all the images open in Paintshop Pro that is the biggest help though.
ETA: Just thought I'd add that the image program also has a function to batch rename images in several ways. So you can tell it to name them (title)(sequence) for example. It's worth investigating to see if yours has something similar.
Comments 18
As for composing an entry, I've used LJ since about 2002 so the newer LJ features are pretty alien to me. :C I've tried using them but I prefer the oldschool method of HTML coding the entry. It's not really the most efficient way if you aren't familiar with HTML and can't code quickly, but I prefer it to using any of LJ's features because it's much faster for me. By previewing every 10 pictures or so, I can find errors in the code quickly. It also means I can format things exactly the way I want them and LJ doesn't try to do it for me (which usually ends up being what I don't want). :C
But - to each their own! Try a few different techniques and go with the one that works best for you.
HTML is not my strong point, but it might me worth it to give it a shot.
Thanks for your help!
(the semagic client doesn't, either, but it has a preview function that you can check to see how the post will look like, that'll show the images.
You type text in there, and you just take the pictures from explorer and drag them into where you want to have them. Semagic will first make a link to the picture stored at your local harddrive, but when you hit "post", it will upload the pictures to LJ, and convert the links over to point to there.
So, just open it, type, drag-and-drop images. Takes only as long as it takes you to type the text.
(also, it auto-saved your entries, and you can save drafts)
ETA: Just thought I'd add that the image program also has a function to batch rename images in several ways. So you can tell it to name them (title)(sequence) for example. It's worth investigating to see if yours has something similar.
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