Watch me fail the Asylum Challenge!
Last pic post: uh, Decmber? January?
Here's the hook: I was testing the challenge to see how badly I would bomb it. Yes, yes, 'jumping on the bandwagon' and whatnot, but I love the idea of letting Free Will go wild!
This is the whole gang in their CAS photo. Don't they look crazy?
Robyn, my self-sim. My best friend and my boyfriend spent a good chunk of time with me to create her in my exact likeness. We're all very happy with how she turned out. Don't I look worried to be there?
The grandiose asylum. When I reattempt this challenge, I have a better design in mind.
Ty and Aman, the only two with extreme skin. I don't like Aman.
Jaclyn, modelled off the friend who helped me with my self-sim. She loves when I do crazy stuff with her in-game self, so why not throw her in the asylum? She's dead-on as well. Did you guess which one's Jaclyn? Well, the other one's Tiffany, another one of my close friends. She doesn't actually have any tattoos, but she loves her sim. Actually, Tiff has a
myspace if you want to compare sim to human. I'll get her twin sister to sit for me sometime.
My boyfriend, Dave. This sim looks so much like him that I just want to squeeze it. I may have public pictures of him on my journal if you want to look. They're under a 'dave' or 'pictures' tag. Also, please
vote for him in a makeover contest for cancer! He's Team 10. It's all right, though, if you vote for another team. Just realize that airbrushing was involved with all of the after shots.
Zeus! Zeus was the founder of the Dynast legacy. This isn't an exact replica, since the original Zeus wasn't created in Bodyshop, but it's close enough to make Real-Life-Jaclyn swoon.
Kristy is another one of my friends. Dead ringer of a sim, right down to the hair. She's making a funny face here...ignore that.
And the insanity begins. Since I could choose the turnons and -offs for the sims, I naturally made me and my bf very attractive to one another. Here he is congratulating me on being attractive to him. 20 bonus internet points and a virtual cookie to whoever can name the man in my thought bubble.
The first fire! Does anyone recognize that sim? It's not Tiffany, it's Brendan Waterford! I was so worried he was going to die.
Real-Life-Kristy has probably done this. Moving on...
Autonomous love. Awwww.
R/L Jaclyn thought this was hysterical.
But not this. She loves Zeus way too much. He died.
See? Jaclyn's not happy.
She died of starvation because I forgot to order groceries.
Oh, Robyn wants to be a Celebrity Chef. Well, whatever.
:D Not autonomous.
D: Eletrocution is not cool.
Especially when it's the controllable character.
Aman went silly. Stupid Aman.
LESBIANISM FOR ALL. Half the inmates are attracted to brown hair. I didn't choose it, I actually came up with a little system for rolling the turnons and turnoffs. It just happened.
*dies laughing* I couldn't resist keeping it when that was the face being painted. RL Dave thinks it's hysterical. Obvously, so do I.
They both died.
She didn't, though. Good thing, since four deaths already = -80 points.
Jaclyn's ghost haunted every night. This is my first starvation ghost (and my first fire ghosts) ever, so I think I'll keep the tombstones.
Here you see Dave maximising the logic skill. Yay, 10 points! Oh, and there's a portrait of Kristy. Yay boredom!
Tiff and I were watching TV like champs. See how nicely the house is getting decorated? That wallpaper makes me loopy 8S
Dirty lesbian dreams, brought to you by my self sim.
I was checking ths guy out for the Waterfords and I noticed that his wifebeater is STAINED!! WTG, Maxis!
And here's where I fail miserably. Tiff was scared to death. I assume it Was Zeus.
If that wasn't bad enough, so was Dave. Probably by Zeus or Jaclyn. So, now I'm down to 2 sims. I have too many deaths to posibly even DREAM of having a score above 0, so I quit. Challenge over.
Well, I hope you enjoyed that. There's nothing like a failed challenge to spark more interest in it. You can bet the next attempt I make will have mostly the same characters, since I find it hysterical and so do the R/L people.